Chapter Two

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"How are you so good at math! Mr. Nash makes math so hard!" He growled, throwing his pencil down in defeat.
"I sit in the front and don't talk to people during class. You should try it one day. " I finished and smiled sarcastically at him.

"Tsk...wipe that stupid smile off your face." He said and picked his pencil up to try again. As he stared down at the problem, his hand began moving in random directions. He dropped his pencil and pushed his paper towards me. I looked through his beautiful blue eyes, as I twisted the paper around. I took my eyes off him and looked at his paper.

Wrong answer. This is the 16th time he had the answer wrong. I didn't even know there was 16 different answers!

I looked up at him and opened my mouth.
"I got it wrong, didn't I?" He asked quietly.
I let out a deep sigh and nodded my head.

"Can we be done for now? I want to take you somewhere." My eyes shot open. He wanted to take me somewhere?

"I uh...sure. I guess we're not really doing anything today?"
"Lets go then."
"Right now?"

I got up from his bed and grabbed the shoes besides the door and slid them on. I wonder where he's taking me.

He was wearing this black sleeveless hoodie that showed his muscles perfectly, and a nice black hat. He opened the door and signaled me to walk out.
"Lady's first." He said and smirked slightly.
"I am not a Lady!" I said raising my voice.
"Oh. My bad! Gays first."
"That's more I like it. " I said and walked out of the door, with my sassy pants on. I let him lead as I followed slowly behind him. He kept telling me to pick up the pace, but I never did. He walked us outside the dooms.

About 5 minutes after, it dawned on me that the sun was beating down, very harshly. It didn't feel great to be perfectly honest.
I did a quick jog and jumped into Misha's shadow.
"What are you doing?" He asked and looked at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The sun was hot." It was silent for a minute and I felt him push something down on my head. I saw the bill and realized it was his hat.

"Thank you." I grinned and walked beside him. He took hold of my wrist and made a sudden turn into some sand off the side of the road. We kept going deeper and deeper until he made a left. He stopped and faced me.
"Close your eyes. Don't question." I do as he says and let him lead me. I heard sounds of the ocean and children screaming.
I felt a strong weight on my shoulder as if someone were signaling me to sit down.
"Open." He said. I opened my eyes and I've never seen something so pretty.

We were on the edge of a small cliff that hung over the beautiful sandy beach. There was surfers, and believe it or not, a dog surfing!

"This is amazing, Misha! Why did you take me here?"
"I don't know. It seemed like a good idea I guess..."
I looked him in the eyes.
"You are the best sometimes, Misha."
"Shut up and enjoy the view, okay?" He said as he turned away.

"I need to talk to you about something serious. So don't interrupt me." I stayed quiet and let him talk.

"Back in elementary school..." He threw his head into his hands. Almost like he were crying, but he wasn't.
"I'm sorry... Whenever I see you're face, I can't think straight. I'm always thinking about what a horrible person I was to you. And don't tell me you forgot. I know damn well you didnt! But not once did you bring it up. Not once did you even care to act negative towards me. That's wh-"

"Shut up!" Even though I was told not I interrupt him, I did it anyways.
"Just shut up! I don't care what you did to me! It's all in the past, so I don't fucking care, okay? And you don't want me to tell you I forgot? I forgot because that's not what I ever saw in you! It just annoys me to see that you let yourself think so hard about it, that you can't even be around me without thinking about it."

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