Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was hours later and I was waiting in the waiting room with Misha. A doctor enters, calls my name, and leads me to a room.
"So, what's been going on?" He asked.
"Quite a bit... Um...Where should I start?"
"Maybe...physical things?" He say and looks at me through his small, rectangular glasses.

"So...I have this bruise on my leg. I don't know where it came from."
"How long has it been?"
"Probably... 3 weeks now. Maybe even longer."
"Is it hard? Squishy?"
"Okay. Does it normally hurt? "
"Yes. Any pressure on my leg usually hurts."
"Okay. So what else?"

"Maybe this is normal but my nose has been bleeding a lot recently. Probably a few times a day."
"How long has this gone on for?"
"A few days."

"Alright. Is that all?"
"Yup. That's all."
"Alright. We'll have a doctor in shortly." The man left with a smile.

I looked at Misha and he was looking at me with concern on his face.
"You better not have anything life threatening."
"I hope not." I smile at Misha and look around the room. "If I do... Please don't leave my side..."
"I won't. I promise." He smiled at me and looked at his hands when the doctor came in.

"Hey! So... you're Jaymes?" He asked and pointed at me. I nod in response and he looked over the report papers.
"So... If seems you have some sort of bruise?"
"Where is it?"
"Upper left leg. On my thigh."
"We're going to take a look at that. Would you like him to step out?" He smiled and looked at Misha. I thought hard. He would probably freak if I was alone, pants down with another man. 
"No. He can stay."
"Alright. So I'd like you to take your pants off so we could get a look at this bruise." I sigh and stand up, glancing at Misha who had his eyes in his phone.
I pull my pants down and left them hanging at my ankles. I felt Misha peering over his phone to check for any suspicious activity. I looked at him and the Doctor evaluated my bruise.
'I'm so uncomfortable.' I mouth.
Misha smiled and winked at me, then buried his eyes back in his phone.

"So, Jaymes. This looks more like a blood clot. You can see right here, that the veins are kind of bulging. He touched my thigh and drug his finger around where he was showing me. I felt Misha's head pop straight up, but he knew he had to ignore it.
"So what could that mean?"
"Well, before we get there, there are red spots all around it. Could you take your jacket off?" I do as he said and take my layers off, leaving my short sleeved shirt on.
"They're on your arms too. So this could most definitely be something medical. We're going to do an emergency blood test. We're going to also call you back in for another appointment next weekend. Continuous blood tests could really help us out right now. So go ahead and redress and I'll be back with the equipment." He left the room and I redressed myself. Misha hadn't said a word but he was messing wish his fingers.

I walk up to him and hug him tightly. He hugged and back and didn't let go.
"I'll be okay. No need for you to worry."
"It's an emergency blood test, babe. Emergency! He's not telling you what he think's going on."
"I don't want to know yet... Not until they're sure... I love you, Misha. Whatever happens, I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you too..." He let go of me and I saw him wipe a tear.
"No crying, babe." I smile brightly at him.
"Sorry..." He smiled back. "I can't help it. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Don't worry." I kissed his lips and then moved back up to the bed.
The man came back in with all of these random things, like little tubes, and of course, the needle.

He poked the needle into my arm vein and started drawing blood.
A little while later, we're done and the man talks to us, full seriousness.
"So... would you like to know what we think is going on, or would you rather wait until we're for sure?"
I peek at Misha who was nodding his head yes.
"Um..I think... I'd like to know."
"We're detecting some signs of a blood cancer. Don't hold on to it and run around telling everybody you have cancer. You might not. We're going to do lots of blood tests to figure this out. So we're done for today. You can go ahead home. Thank you for coming and we can schedule your next appointment for next Saturday at 7? We're going to need you to not eat or drink anything that day.
" Yup. Thats a good day. Thank you... " I smile, walking out of the office. When we reach the car, I hand Misha my keys and we both climb in.

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