Chapter Nine

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After I found some clothes, I backed into the bathroom to change my clothes to look reasonable. I've decided I wanted to take Sarah on a surprise date. I didn't know where we were going but today is some weird holiday I've never celebrated before so maybe the zoo won't be too busy?

I left the bathroom and sat next to Sarah and flashed my phone at her.
"What about the zoo? First date?"
"That sounds great, Jay. And by the way, is Jay your full name, or is that just what you go by?"
" full name is Jaymes. I go by Jay because people never put the Y in my full name."
"I'm calling you Jaymes." She said and smiled.
"Go ahead. Its fine with me." I replied with a finishing smile.

"I'm waiting you, slow poke." I simply said and gave her a shove.
"Oh! Should I wear a dress?"
"You'd look cute in a dress."
"Whatever!" She shouted and ran into the bathroom with what looked like 3 different dresses. After about 5 minutes she came out, wearing this beautiful yellow dress, with some matching flowers of different colors on it. I got up and pushed her into the bathroom and took a tiny hair tie and a bigger hair tie.

I took a section of her long, deep brown hair and dutch braided it, finishing and putting the tiny hair tie around the end. I grabbed the rest of her hair, leaving 2 strands out on the sides, and put the braid in with everything else, securing it with a hair tie.

"How on earth did you do that?" She asked with her jaw dropped to the floor.
"Hold on! I'm not done!" I say and start scavenging to find yellow flowers. I take it her favorite color is yellow because she had more yellow flowers than any other color.
I began placing them strategically and did a simple clap at the end.
"It was all of my sisters favorite. I did it every day."
"It's beautiful!"
"Go get some shoes on!"
She ran out of the bathroom with a wide gin on her face.

After an hour of her getting ready, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the dorm.
"I brought sunscreen because you are as pale as a ghost, my guy."
"Did you get waters?" She asked as we were walking hand in hand.
"Pfft. Of course. You were getting ready for an hour. I'm sure I brought more than what we need. "
"I had to look good!"
"You looked fine!"

We walked out to my car, and as the gentleman I was, I opened the door for her. She replied with "thank you" and jumped in.
I got in on my side and looked at her.
"You look great." I smiled.
After a 45 minute drive, the parking lot was about empty. Nobody was really at the zoo!
I turned the car car off and jogged over to her side and opened the door for her.
"My lady," I reached my hand out to help her out. She gladly took it with a wide smile on her face.
I closed the door and dragged her over to the ticket booth thingy.

The line was incredibly short and we got in within 2 minutes.
"Oh! Can we see the birds first? They have this thing where you go in and feed them!" I said, bubbling with excitement.
"I'm scared of birds, Jaymes!"
"It's fine! I promise! I'll ease you into it." I put my arm around her in a comforting manner.
"Do you trust me?" I asked, giving her a squeeze.
"You better not leave me!"
"I would never!" I said sarcastically.

I walked her over to the open bird sanctuary. It said it was free to just go in and hold the birds and take pictures, so I did. I led her in, and picked up a small parakeet.
"This is a parakeet. Trust me. Okay?"
I handed the bird to her and turned around to pick up a blue throated macaw.
Another 2 birds decided they wanted to come along so I had 3 birds on me at once.
"How are you doing it!" She asked as I went over to her, and put the macaw on her free hand and took the budgie, putting it back on its perch.

We spent about 5 minutes in there before she got scared and ran out after the bird flew away.
I met her outside, and she looked at me like I was crazy.
"They're really scary!"
I got closer and wrapped my arms around her, slightly giggling at her.
"We'll skip the rest of the birds. How about that?"
"Thats more I like it."

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