Chapter Fifteen

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We finish eating and I thank my mom.
"Misha, lets go."
"You're leaving?"
"Not yet. I just want to show him some things." I grab his hand and take him to where the basement is.
"I'm sorry if I get emotional...but I thought you should see this..."

I slowly walk him down the steps.
"This was my brothers bedroom. We haven't touched it since he passed." I let go of his hand and walk over to his desk.
"This was...This was a note he was going to give to a guy. They've liked each other since they were little... And this was the last picture we took together." I felt tears in my eyes.
"And this was his diary. He told me that if he died from unnatural causes I could read it. I haven't r-read it yet..." I went up to Misha and ran into his chest, eyes draining the sadness. He wrapped his arms around me and tightened his grip.
"It's been 4 years Misha! I should be over it..."
"Let's read that diary. It'll give closure." He says and kisses my forehead. He takes it off the desk and takes me back up my room.

"Lock it." I say and sit on my bed.
He comes and sits close next to me.
"Can you read it?" I ask and lean against him. He nods and opens it to the first page.
"Dear Jayme's. Thanks for following my directions. Let me start by saying I love you and I know you waited until the 4th year and then your boyfriend convinced you to read this. And how much do you want to bet it was Misha?"
"Okay...what! How!" I yell and giggle. "He was always good at guessing...what the hell..."
"You're going to know the truth. Jk! I don't actually know what happened to me. I asked Jacob out! He said yes. Of course. I hope you're doing okay! I hope you're still gay and proud. I mean...if you aren't then I can say I taught you better." Misha stopped reading and looked at me. "I love you, babe..."
"I love you too." I reply and wipe my tears on his jacket.

We read to the last page and thats where it hits me.
"Jaymes...Live life the right way. Don't live like me. I did wrong things and never even tried to recover. You're better than that. And Misha. I know you're reading this to him. Take my role and teach him things that life won't. Teach him to be proud. Teach him to love. Teach him to forgive. Do it for me. I'm not around anymore. I love both of you guys.
-The brother who loves you to actual death, Allister."

Tears flow down my cheeks again.
"I'm not sad? I don't know what I am..." The tears flow faster and harder. "Thank you so much, Misha..."
"No problem, baby..." He says and hugs me again.
I continued crying for no reason.
"Okay...come on." He says and picks me up and takes me to the bathroom. He sets me down on the 2 sink vanity.
"Let's make it look like I didn't just make you cry." He laughed as he grabbed a washcloth and got it wet.

He started patting my face with it until he stopped at my right eye.
"Um babe...why is your eye somewhat purple?"
"Oh yea... I never said anything because I knew you would lose your cool."
"What do you mean lose my cool?"
"You would probably punch the guy."
"Did he punch you?"
"Who the fuck was it?"
"His name is Richard. He completely bullies me. Like...In every way."
"Let me at him..."
"It's whatever... The schools kicking me out."
"What! Why?"
"They're kicking us all out... I knew it was sketch... I don't care if you beat him up anymore...I think I'm done with college. I'm going to go back, pick my stuff up, and...I don't know..."
"I'm done if your done...I say we move somewhere...maybe a small apartment? Me and you, babe... We can make a living."
"I don't want you to quit college just to be with me, Misha."
"I wasn't studying anything in particular. I want to do this. I'm 21...I want a life now."

I reach up and kiss him real quick before getting up.
"Cmon...we need to get back to the hotel..." I grab his hand and trot down to the front door.
"Bye mom and dad!"
"Bye! You boys be safe!"
"We will!" Misha replies and walks out.
"Wait! Misha come back we need clothes!" I shout and drag him back in.
I grab 2, plastic bags and run back up to my room.

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