Chapter Thirty

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Theres dark moments in this chapter. If you're sensitive to suicide, I highly suggest not reading this chapter. This is the final chapter for this book. Thank you for reading!

"Where are you going?"
"Why do you even care?"
"Because I fucking love you! So much more than you know!"
"It doesn't even sound like it anymore!"
I grab my phone and walk past him. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt his tears hit my arm.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Should I say it more? Do I have to, just for you to believe me?"
"I fucking love you. You mean everything to me..."
"You know I love you, too... I just...Misha, we aren't working... Haven't you noticed?"
"Jaymes... Are you up with me?"

"What? No!" I turn around and hug him. "I'm just upset... I'm sorry... I don't know what to do... I don't want to fight anymore... I'm stressed, tired, and stuck. We need help, Misha."
"Can that Jake guy? Your brothers boyfriend? Maybe...he can help us?" He suggested and hugged me back.
I nodded and called him from my phone when he picked up, he sounded tired.

"Is it important?"
"Um... To me?"
"What's up?" He asked as I walked away from Misha to explain.
"Um... We got in a fight..." The tears were uncontrollable at this point. "I don't know what to do, Jake. We need help..."
"Um...I'll be over in a second." He hung up and I could feel him sigh from where he was at. I took a seat on the couch, a seat apart from Misha.

"I'm sorry..." He looked away.
"Me too... I shouldn't tell you what to do."
"You're right, though. I shouldn't drink. I know it makes me mean."
The front door opened and Jake came in and took a seat between Misha and I.

"Guys..." He began with a loud, firm voice. "What did fighting do for you? Did it make you happy? Glad? Joyful?"
"No..." We both whispered.
"Tell me."
"Upset... Frustrated...guilty...?" I started.
"...I feel like a dick." Misha had tears in his eyes again.
"I thought so. Who started it?"
"Me." Misha and I both started.
"Well would you look at that. Theres your problem. You'll forever tell yourselves it's your fault."
"Bu-" I began before he cut me off.
"I don't want any fucking butts. Tell me what happened, Jay.

"Um... Misha went to grab a beer and he gets mean when he drinks. He starts to just...I don't know...but I reminded him that and he said he was sorry as he presumed to drink it. And so I took it from him... Then he got mad..." He looks at Misha who was nodding to agree.
"So from what I'm hearing, Jay, you started it." He took one last sigh before continuing. "Let him do what he wants. Let him see how bad it hurts you. Let him see the truth. Hiding it from him does no good, does it?"
I wiped more tears away.
"So fucking make up already. You're young and stupid. Figure it out. You don't need somebody to help you forgive and forget." He stood up and headed for the door. "Alec and I were the same way. I hurt him and I figured out how to fix it and vice versa. Just forget." He left and I looked at Misha who was crying too.
His arms shot out when he looked at me.
"Come here." He tried to smile but he just let out more tears.
I scoot over and relax in his arms.

"He's so right...I'm skipping the work meeting tomorrow. We're going to hang out all day. Just like we used to."
"And no fighting?"
"Mmhmm." He agreed and pulled me closer.
I sat there, my eyes closed and stinging from crying so much.
"I miss us..." We both synced. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I looked away and down at my hands.
"I don't get a kiss?"
"N-No. I'm upset right now."
"Alright, alright. Fine. Just reminding you that I really do love you."
"I love you too..." I look back up at him and kiss his lips. He kissed back and then released me.

"What are we going to do tomorrow?"
"Um... I'm not sure, but I'm guna have to call my manager to tell him I won't be in the meeting tomorrow. I'll do that in a little bit though."
"Can you call you manager now and get it over with?"
"Yea." He pulled his phone out and dialed his manager, putting it on speaker.

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