Chapter Twenty-three

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"That was fast." Allister says randomly.
"Mom wasn't even there. I was expecting her to stop me."
"Did you look inside yet?"
"Nope. I needed Misha as my emotional support." I walk over and sit on Misha's lap.
"Woa...hello!" He kissed my cheek. "You guna look in it?"
"I need to prepare myself. I already know what it says and I haven't looked at it yet."
I loosen the middle guitar strings and stick my hand in. I pulled out the little paper and handed it to Misha.
"Hold." I say and put the guitar on the floor. I take the note back and open it up.

"When you get this, call this number. I faked my death because of mom." I read out loud. "Wait...because of mom?"
"I was sexually abused. By her. So I faked my death to get away from that. I actually went to live with Jacob."
"It all makes sense now."
"Jay, I love you. So much more than you know. You changed your number. So I couldn't contact you sooner... If you didn't find my cat, we might not have ever seen each other again."
"In a sense, I'm glad you did what you did."

Misha got up and ordered pizzas for us while I talked with my brother again.
"I actually have had a present in my car for you because I never knew if I'd run into you. I'm going to go get it but I want you to be blindfolded or something.
We focus on Misha hanging up the phone.
"Yo brothers boyfriend! Come cover his eyes."
Misha comes running and then quickly covers my eyes.
"Can you see?"
"Nope. Hurry up, Alec. I get anxiety." I heard the front door open and close, followed by some silence.
The door reopens and I hear clanging.
I hear more high pitched noises and then Allister saying "Open up."

A new guitar. Acoustic, shiny, new, and signed by my only brother.
"My name is carved in it. I know you dropped guitar 4 years ago, but I think a new one would inspire you?"
I get up and lift it.
"Holy shit..."
"And next time I visit, my favorite little brother will sing a song for us. I want to hear that powerful voice you once had." Allister smiled
"Misha...come here." Allister said with a 'follow me' hand motion." They walked into the kitchen and Allister was showing videos to Misha. And when I listened hard enough, I knew exactly what it was.
"I swore I took those down!"
"We had our own channels, honey bun." He mocks. "These almost make me cry because you aren't like this anymore. You have such a powerful voice but you hide it. Be confident."
"I-I can't! You stripped everything from me that day you left..."
"Well, honey bun, I'm back now and I'm not disappearing. So tune up that guitar and play us that song."

"Allister..." Misha's hands went straight to fists.
"Mish, I don't want to be rude. I'm rubbing you wrong right now. I know. But I hate to see my little brother this way. Without music he isn't as happy as he could be."
"Misha, don't... He's right." I walk in front of Misha. "I used to run around the house and belt my little heart out. My brother gave me confidence and I'm so upset that I don't have that anymore... Allister...don't fight with him about it." I grab Misha's arm and squeeze it a bit. "I love both of you guys and I need you to get along. So you want me to sing you a song? I'll sing you a song. If Allister sings it with me for old times sake. "
"Deal." Allister shakes my hand and I drag Misha over to sit with me on the floor. I pick the guitar up and start tuning it.
"Okay! When the pizza guy comes, you don't stop got it?" Allister smiles. I nod and start making chords.

"This one." Misha leads my hand down. He knows what song I was doing. It was different but somehow, he could read my mind. This song was Attention. For some reason I knew what I was doing from there. I didnt forget how to play. It just... Flew naturally?
"I forgot how it starts..." Misha jumps in and starts for me. I pick up in the second verse and just...belted...
We got to the chorus and I saw Allister leak a tear from his eye. He didn't jump in to sing with us. It was just Misha and I. But I can say it felt great. The doorbell rang I just didn't stop. I went up in harmony for the chorus the second time. The song ended and Allister brought in the pizza in.

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