Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Today marked one year since I found out I had Leukaemia. I truly am sick and I'm slowly getting worse. Misha had gotten raises and raises along with promotions. I haven't done anything besides sit in this hospital bed, eat hospital food, get skinnier, and sleep. My back aches, my head aches...just me... I ache.
I had lost 17 pounds since I came in one year ago. The doctors say its normal but i already don't weigh anything.

I heard a knock on the door and when I turned, Misha had came in with a set of red roses, the only color in this room.
"Hey, baby..." He smiled and closed the door. He replaced the slightly dead flowers with the new ones.
" Yea? "
"I...want to go somewhere today...I don't really know if I'm going to live much longer..."
"Okay... We can go so-" he was interrupted by the hospital door opening.
"Hello, Jay, Misha. I have something to tell you. And something to give you, Jay."

A bunch of doctors have piled into the room. It was completely full and I was getting uncomfortable. One of my every day doctors gave me a card. I opened it up slowly, keeping my eyes on them. I read it to myself and tears dripped down my eyes. I handed the card to Misha and he read it too.
"What? You're..."
I reach over and pull him into a hug. He was crying too and when I let go of him I looked at all of the doctors, thanking every one of them individually.

"Before we can release you, you have go to follow up blood tests to be sure that you're free from this. We also advise you to take it easy. Try gaining that weight back and eat some real food tonight. If I'm correct, Misha is your boyfriend. Celebrate tonight. You deserve it." They all leave the room clapping and one doctor stays.
"You are basically free to go. We had you in for an extra month just to monitor the cells but you've been good for awhile so i'm not hesitant to let you go. Close to the end here, you haven't been doing good. You look ill and very unhealthy. So gain that weight back and you should be looking better almost instantly. I suggest watching what you eat and maybe go to the gym a few times a week. You have very low muscle mass at the moment and that could help you liven up quite a bit. Other than that, have a date night. Have a good time. Live free. We hope we don't see you again and it's not personal. We really just don't want anyone to have cancer. So go on. Get dressed and get out of here." He left the room and I hugged Misha again. We

"Oh my god..." I cry harder.
"It was a whole year of this's...over? Just like that?"
"I guess so..." I pulled away from him and jump up from the bed, but trip from my trembling legs. Misha caught me and pulled me back up.
"You don't have a lot of strength. You were in a bed for a year." He chuckled. I leaned into him and kissed his lips.
I pulled away and hugged him again.
"You are so incredibly small..." He smiled, hugging me back. "Like...I feel like I'm going to crush you."
"Oh my god! Misha! Can we get a greasy burger?"
"Anything you want. But you have to let go and change." I kissed him again before skipping into the bathroom and changing faster than I ever have before. I came back out and pulled my shoes and socks on. I pulled my jacket over my arms and walked out of that front hospital door with Misha holding my hand. All of my hair was gone. And i kept my hood on. I did care that I was bald. I'm very self conscious but that won't stop me from having a good time tonight. We go to the restaurant down the street. They had the best greasy burgers around. We sat in the car and ate them. Misha maybe didn't enjoy it as much as me but this had been the best thing I'd eaten in a whole year.

"Why are you keeping your hood on?" He asked looked at me.
"I...miss my hair... I want it back and I hate not having any... I feel like everyone is going to judge me."
"So what if they judge you? They might not have beaten cancer like you. You're strong, sweetheart."
"Oh, Misha...I wanted to ask you about your work... You told me you were making an album?"
"Oh yea! I'm actually going to the studio tomorrow to do some recording with my manager."
"You have a manager?"
"I planned on surprising you when everything was done. But yes. Over the year, I've written 9 songs. And it'll be my first album. I'm sorry I didn't tell you..."
"Oh! No it's okay!"
"It's coming out on the 17th of January. Sadly, its only the 14th of december...but I have something to show you at home."
"Let's go, then..." I smiled. We drove off home and I was so nervous. I hadn't been inside my own apartment in a year!

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