Chapter Twelve

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At about 8:30 pm, Misha texted asking if we could facetime and I agreed. I ran to get my laptop and called him, already prepared with a big smile on my face. His face appeared on my screen and his smile popped up soon after.
"Hey!" He said with loads of enthusiasm.
"Hi!" I replied, waiting for him to start a conversation.
"Why is it so quiet? Are you alone?"
"Yup. The others went to scope out the campus. Its just you and me."
"I wanted to talk to you about meeting up. Just this next weekend. I can't help but feel like I need to speak with you face to face. I want to know what I've missed out on."
"Next saturday. We can discus the place later. I want to see you, too."

"Okay. Saturday works."
l stared at him while he marked his calender.
When he looked up he raised his eyebrows.
"Are you admiring my hot face?"
"Who wouldn't?"
"I miss you so much.... I miss being with you, laughing with you, hugging you, drenching you in kisses... You made me so much better."

I'm sure i'm as bright as a ripe tomato. I tuck my face in my sleeve and mumble.
"Thanks for thinking that..." I say, not even sure if he could understand me.
"I can see how red your face is!"
I peek over the side of the sleeve and realize he was wearing glasses!

"Wait! You wear glasses?"
"Yea. I use contacts a lot..."
"You look hot in those glasses!" I blurt out before covering my mouth.
"Thanks!" He laughed. "You're cute." He put out a bright smile.
"Whatever!" I say and hide behind my sleeve again.
"Don't dig your face in your sleeve! I want to see it!"
"I bet you do!"

After we talked for a good while, he said it was late and he wanted to sleep.
Did I let him?
After it got obvious.

"Don't leave! I'm still alone and you know I hate being alone!"
"I know... How about this. I stay up with you until those guys get back. How does that sound?"
"Thank you!" I say and smile at him.
"Oh! Out of what you've seen, what's the worst thing about that new school?"
"You not being here! Other than that, the campus is huge and confusing. But you not being here is a big one."
"Aww... I didn't know you liked me that much when you left... "
"Well...I did... "
I saw him yawn and try to cover it up.
"You look really tired...I think you should go to bed... "
"I don't want to just leave you... "
"Bye...You get some sleep. "

We hung up and I dropped backwards onto my bed, slightly upset that the call was over. My phone beeped and I unlocked it reading the message Misha sent.
"I know I just left you and I apologize. But I know you're alone and I want you to try to sleep. Its not good to be up so late. good luck on your first day c:"
I smiled and quickly texted back. "Thank you!"
"Goodnight and sweet dreams..."
I turned off my phone and light to try to sleep. Surprisingly it worked.

I woke up the next morning to being shaken by Devin.
"Wake up! Its our first day!" He shouted in my ear.
I got up and got ready.

~long story short, they had a long, tough week, trying to get people to join their team and everybody refuses, and starts to tease Jaymes for being so short. He had a tough week and only Misha could keep him going.~

It was Saturday morning and Misha and I have decided to go to see a movie, go get lunch and hang out for the whole day. I changed into something nice and grabbed my phone. After saying goodbye to everybody, I was already headed out the door by 8 AM.

I called Misha to make sure he was ready.
"Hey! Are you on your way out?"
"Yea! I left a bit ago because it's more on your side."
"Okay...just making sure you were awake."
"I can't wait to see you... I waited all week for this."
"Did you wear your glasses?" I asked. I mean... I told him he looked hot in them...
"Yes. Only because you told me I was hot in glasses." He chuckled.
"Good. I'll meet you in front of the theatre."
"Alright." I hung up and put my phone down to focus on driving.
A good hour drive of nothing but traffic, I arrived and parked my car.

The Bully I Thought I Lost... (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now