Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Will you be back?" Asks one shy girl.
"Oh yea. I promise." Misha replied.
"I think you guys would be a cute couple..." She smiled. My eyes widened and I looked at Misha.
"We are a couple, silly."
"No...I mean relationship couple."
"Yea. This is my boyfriend." He chuckled. Her face went pale an she started getting flustered.
"I wish... I could find a power girl like you found a power man, Jay."
"Sometimes, people aren't who you think they are...don't assume and be strong..."
"What do you mean?"
"Maybe you'll find out later."
"Just be yourself, okay?" He smiled. We stood up and left the room. We reached the car and he decided to drive. We drove to the nearest ice cream shop, got ice cream and we sat in the car to eat it.

"Why haven't you said anything?"
"I was thinking of the looks on their faces..."
"Mmhmm... They looked so happy. I just...I want to be something big..."
"Well...go ahead and work on that. I'll support you. It takes time though, babe."
"I know but... I'm willing to work for it. Enough about that though. Let's get home, sweetheart." He started the car and drove off towards home. When we arrived, we brought our stuff into the house and then we sat on the bed to eat our ice cream.

"I miss being a kid." He smiled.
"Me too. you remember when we first moved in, we found that journal that you said was from the time you bullied me? You never showed me what was in it..."
"We can go over it tonight... I just...I'm scared to show it..." He stood up and brought it over. I put my ice cream down and picked up the book. It was in this leather booklet and there were so many pages. When I flipped through, I found that it just...stopped. It never went on but there were years of both my pain and his in one book.

He went on his phone as I read through it.

'what am I doing! It doesnt make sense. Why do I ache for him? I haven't seen him in years but...for some reason I can't help but hurt him. I've flushed his head in toilets, slammed him in walls... I want to forget him. I want to ignore what I feel for him...I want him to get out of my life.'

"Yes... I told you I loved you all along. I did it all so you would get out of my life... I hated being gay..."

'He smiled at me today...such a nice smile. I wish I could fucking forget...I was in a room with him today. He didn't look at me, smile at me, but instead, he was shy. Doing his work. I feel like a creep writing about him and I'm pretty sure he hates me. I like him. I hate being gay. Why am I gay? Why can't I be straight?'

"Um...I missed you..." His lips curved into a small frown and tears stripped down his cheeks. "I missed you so bad..."

I read through every page and it all seemed so...weird.

The next morning, I left to the doctors alone. Without Misha. and every time after that. I went once a week for 5 weeks. Misha was busy working. When I was checked in, the last time, I now had 3 bruises which weren't even bruises, but blood clots.
The simple words "We've discovered leukemia cells in your blood." Was enough to kill me inside. Maybe literally, but maybe figuratively. I called Misha and he didn't pick up. I sat in my car, crying, scared to go anywhere. I called him over and over. Straight to voicemail. I drove home and went straight to bed.

"Babe!" He came in and jumped up over me on the bed. "What happened! I didn't know you called 31 times! My phone was silenced!" He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. Instantly, I started crying.
"I-I ha..." he cut me off and hugged me. "I'm sorry..." I felt tears seep through my shirt. "You have cancer, don't you?"

Sorry for a short chapter! I've been busy as heck! This was a -write in one day- chapter. It's all I had time for. Thanks for the support!

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