{Lafferson} Make You Believe You Are Lovely (P. 1) (49)

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Another day in paradise," I heard Hercules exclaim, his arm thrown around Aaron's shoulders. "I hope the flower shop has that flower I've wanted."

"I believe it does, Hercules," I reply, smiling. "I know Peggy ordered it, it should be coming really soon."

"That's good! I'm excited to see how excited my momma will be when I show her that type of flower," Hercules rambled on, a smile on his face. "I'm so glad to have two of my friends and my boyfriend working in the same place!"

"I am, too," Aaron stated, a small smile written on his lips as he looked up at the tall Irishman. "It's fun working with the Frenchfry and-"

"And Peggy!" Peggy jumped out in front of us, making Hercules screech. Everyone stopped and took a second to be shocked before we bursted into laughter.

We got to the shop the Schuyler's owned, Peggy deciding to run the shop with the three other workers working with her. Aaron and I were two of the three, the third being Samuel Seabury. He was a nice man, though Hercules never really talked to him, so he wouldn't be considered a friend of our group.

"I'll see you later," Hercules murmured to Aaron who stopped by the front of the building. Peggy unlocked the door and I heard Herc mumble, "Can I get a kiss and a hug?" before I walked into the store. I smiled at their relationship and how cute it actually was.

"Young love; what a wonderful thing," Peggy gushes, making me laugh quietly.

"Oui, it is wonderful," I agreed as Aaron walked into the shop.

"Samuel should be here, soon. He just has to go get himself some coffee with his boyfriend, Charles, before getting here," Peggy told us, handing me a watering can. "Aaron, can you go check in the back of the store and count how many red roses we have left? I'm not sure if I need to grow more or not."

Aaron left to the back and I got to watering flowers carefully. "Hey, Peggy?"

"Hm?" I heard her hum.

"Would you think it's weird if your lover comes home at 2:30 at night?"

I heard silence throughout the shop after I asked that. I stopped watering the plants, turning to see Peggy looking up at me, shocked. "Thomas didn't return home until 2:30?"

I nodded, hoping it wasn't a bad thing. "A-And I tried to give him some of the homemade macaroni and cheese I made, but he wasn't hungry. He also didn't give me a glance when we were in bed."

Aaron came from the back of the store, his eyes to the ground. "Thirty seven roses left."

Peggy cleared her throat, looking away from me. "Thank you, Aaron."

I went back to watering flowers, my hope never disappearing as I did my job.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Glancing at the time, I sighed. The clock said, 1:14.

I looked down at the homemade chicken noodle soup, the steam that was floating above it disappearing hours ago.

Maybe he had an excuse. Maybe he was stuck with a very difficult project that he had to finish in the next few days. There had to be some excuse that would make sense.

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