Chapter 30: Pervert!

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I knocked on the door, wow, I'm having a sense of déjà vu right now.... "Ohh hey princess!" Asher boomed clearly flustered at something that happened.

"Are you Okay? You're face is red." I walked inside and stood right I front of his face. "And you're a bit sweaty. Fever?"

He shook his head no, "I'm fine!  Just worked out ya know?? Gotta keep in shape." Then he started to flex awkwardly.

"Okay??? Well, can you show me where I'm going to be staying?"

He stopped immediately, "Yeah totally, follow me"

Once he showed me where I was gonna stay, I told him I was gonna shower real quick. When I was done I went to my bag and rummaged from what my mom picked out for me.

I gasped, "What the heck!?" I picked up this laced underwear and bra. Why? I dropped it and picked up this crop top with a unicorn on it. No surprise there but....really!?

Oh lord.... then there was high waisted fluffy shorts shorts. Mom..... you are so dead.... I grabbed my phone and dialed her number, "Yeeesss?" Her chirpy voice answered. "Why!?"

"Come one sweetie it's not that bad!"

"Why'd you give me dis??? I don't want it!" I exclaimed holding my towel tighter to my body.

"To bad, you're not changing. And it's just one night! You'll last!"

I glared at the wall, "I'm going home to changed."

"Just wear your boyfriends clothes!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" I growled, "Yet" she added.

"Mom I don't wanna where his clothes, well maybe so I could go back home and get APPROPRIATE clothes."

"Sweetie it's late at night already, you're fine. I gotta to call someone...Also I lied it's not one night it's a week, byeee!!!!"

I grunted, "Fudge." I decided to just change into the lace stuff. I peeked my head out and tip toed to Asher's room. He wouldn't mind me borrowing something for a bit.

I went through the first drawer, realizing what was in there I slammed the drawer shut. Wrong one.... moving past the underwear drawer I moved to the next and saw hoodies and sweaters. Perfect!

I grabbed one green hoodie and put it over my head. Ooooo smells like hiiiim!

I shut the drawer and back up. Right into the wall, well.... Asher....

"What are you doing?"

I jumped back, "My mom forgot to bring me some things so I'm gonna go back to get them."

He shook his head, "Sorry princess but is late and there are stalkers at night."

"No!" I said pushing past him, "I'm going!"

"How if you need this?" He held up his keys in the air. "Give them."

He shook his head. "Nah, just do it tomorrow."

I know it's more reasonable for that but my pride won't let it, plus this underwear is really getting me annoyed. And I'm not wearing his underwear as well.

"Suit yourself! Imma sleep, goodnight!" He placed his keys in his pocket before jumping in bed.

"Asher!" I pleaded but he pretended to snore like he was asleep. "Fine..." I left his room.

I'm getting those keys.

I waited a few hours before going to his room and shaking him awake. "Asher!? Can I please sleep here with you? I had a nightmare."

"Huh? Oh sure, go ahead." And with that he fell back asleep.

Pretend to have nightmare to sleep here
Wait a bit to know he's not gonna wake up
Find keys In pocket
Go to place

And you can go from there. I'm outsmarting him here. It's fool proof! After a few minutes I sneaked my hand down to his pocket. Which one was it again? Whatever....

I clenched my hand lightly and felt nothing. Shoot must be on the other side.... I moved myself a bit on top of him to reach the other side. 

As I reached down and felt the keys I felt him stir. I held my breath, once he stopped, I slowly moved my hand inside.

Right when I was about to grab it he clenched my arm and pulled away, "Princess!? Did you want to.....??"

Realizing what he meant I pushed him away. "No! Pervert!" I got up and glared at him, "You pervert! Hmph!" I stomped out the room.

I was blushing like crazy, on second thought, I'll wait till tomorrow... I mentally face palmed.

Double update cause it's the 4th of July, and I'm nice. Love y'all! Sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm really lazy and I'm not really paying attention to what I'm writing.❤️🦄

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