Chapter 6: McDonalds

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This is dedicated to PandaFoXOX ! Thank you for the cover, I wanted to use it for the book, thank you!
"Riley...." My father said walking into the office. I jumped up from my seat.

"Dad is this true!? Is mom really in the hospital!? What happened? Is she okay!?"

He sighed and turned to the principle, "We'll be on our way." He nodded, "Take care"

"Sweetie I feel sooo bad...." He cried when we entered the car. "It's all my fault!"

"What are you talking about?"

He wiped his eyes, "We had another argument, you know how we usually are, anyways, I ran out of the house. Damn it!!!"

"And!?" I urged.

"I didn't see the car! If I did I could have...." He trailed off, tears coming down his face.

"Come on dad, mom's really strong, she'll pull through! Now come on, let's go see mom"

He nodded his head and started driving. I hope she's alright....

Time skip......

"We're back" my dad said entering the hospital room.

"Uncle Blakey!" I cried and threw myself into his arms.

I turned my head and looked at my mom. She had a bandage over her head.

"Mom..." I said and walked to her.

"Let her have some time with her mom." Blake whispered to Dominic. He nodded his head and they both left the room leaving me with her.

Okay, what I'm about to do is going to be really immature....

Tears filled my eyes, "MOMMY!!!! WAHHH!!!"

"Yeah?" She answered opening her eyes tiredly.

I gasped, "Mommy! You're okay!!!" She giggled.

"Of course, who else will be there to annoy your father till death do us part. Now I'm gonna play a prank okay?" I nodded my head. My mom's pranks are fun.

"Alright, you can call them in now." She said and closed her eyes pretending to be asleep.

"Are you okay sweetie?" Blake asked rubbing his face tiredly. I nodded my head.

"Mmm, meh head....." My mom groaned opening her eyes.

"Sweetheart!" Blake yelled at the same time Dominic yelled, "honey!!"

"Blakey? Who's that guy?" She asked him while pointing to my father. There eyes widened.

"W-whaaat?" My father said worriedly.

Dominic's POV (yaaaaaasssss)

Maya doesn't remember me!? Are you frick frack kitten meh? Wahhhhh!!!!!

Maya looked at me with no recognition in her brown eyes. 'This is all your pooping fault!' My brain scolded. I sighed mentally, I know I'm sorry!

'Why did you have to be so petty and just except that she liked Blake's lasagna better then yours! Dumbass!!!'

I'm sorry! I cried. 'Don't say it to me, say it to your wife!'

I ran over to her side and stared at her, "Maya I'm so sorry!" I cried like a baby and hugged her.

She patted my head comfortably. "I forgive you Dom. Don't ever walk out on me like that again, okay?"

I pulled away, "You remember me???" Maya giggled, "I Never forgot you you dummy!"

What a relief!!! Wait a second.... "Maya! How can you mess with me like that!!!"

She eyed me up and down and then grunted, "Cause I can tell you didn't get me food, and I'm hangry now."

"My bad for caring about your well being instead of getting eight happy meals from McDonalds!" I cried frustratedly.

"Can we go!? I'm hungry!" She grinned. We all faced palmed. Doesn't her head hurt or something!?

"Maya does your head hurt?" I asked.

"Nope!" She said popping the p. "You can say I'm hard headed! Bu-dum tsh!!!"

Riley started laughing, "Nice one mom!"

"Thank goodness you're okay sweetheart! Still the same old you." Blake said.

Maya turned to him, "How dare you say I'm old! I am younger then all y'all! Except for Riley!"

Blake sighed, "Not literally sweetheart...." Her mouth formed an 'o' shape and then she glared, "Of course I knew that!"

I laughed and hugged her, "I missed you..." Maya pushed me away, "Boi I was like out for five minutes! Shoo! Be gone!"

I pouted, why she so mean to me???
Why is she so mean to you Dom? Hahaha, thanks to da people who actually read my book! You are all great!

Bye bye🦄

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