Chapter 12: Wait, what???

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Y'all ready for this!?

Maya's POV

"DOMINIC WHERES MY BABY!?" I screamed at him like he knew where Riley was.

"I don't know! I called the school and they said that a guy with a black hoodie took her out of school. There security is horrible."

I sighed, "Imma go eat some desserts."

"At a time like this!? Our daughter is missing!"

NINCOMPOOP!? I'm stressed so imma go eat desserts. Cause you know stressed backwards equals desserts sooooo...."

He groaned, "Why did I ask you to marry me..."

I smirked and kissed him, "Cause you love me duh?"

He blushed, "Yeah, Yeah. I do, but that doesn't solve anything honey, our daughters missing."

I crossed my arms and thought about it, "Well Of course it doesn't solve anything! I want her back! Who else is gonna prank you with me?"

"Ugh! You're so annoying!" He groaned.

"Well you're just a Pegasus nincompoop! I hate youuuuu!!!!" I stomped my foot childishlyand threw a potato at him.

"Ouch, No you don't!"

"You don't know how I feel!" I yelled and turned the other way.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed as well."

I turned around and slapped him, "That doesn't give you an excuse. But... I do love you." I said and hugged him.

Riley's POV

There probably pissed, I'm screwed....

"Come on princess, you'll be alright!" Asher said trying to cheer me up.

I glared at him, "I blame you!"

"Yeah deserve that."

I smacked him on the head, "Ouch probably deserved that too..."

"You deserve more then that!" I sneered.

"Like what?" He smirked. Oh, you dirty minded piece of.....

"Ha-yah!" I yelled and flipped him over my shoulder.

"Okay, you done?" He said laying there.

I crossed my arms, "Yes....for now. And what are you doing?"

Asher was moving his arms and legs like he was making a snow angel.

"You're a goofball." I laughed.

He sat up, "Can I be your goofball?"

I blushed and turned the other way, "No way! You're annoying!"

He chuckled, "OooOoo come on princess, just admit it, you like me."

"I'd like you to go away!"

"But your in my house." He said with humor lacing his voice.

"BUT THIS IS YOUR FAULT! My mom and dad are probably wondering where am at and I can't contact them!" I yelled.

"I just wanted to surprise you!"


"I just did as you said!" He cried.

"I told you to kidnapped me???" I yelled. If I did tell him to do this, I must be crazy. Like my mom. Don't tell her I said that.

"No! You said to surprise the girl that you like! I mean-" he cut himself off, eyes widening.

"You whaaaaa???" I'm lost for words. I just stared at him blankly.

"I-um- well you see.... Sooooo how's the weather going??? Pretty chill outside! Oh well you look at the time! I must sleep!" He said, cheeks red.

"But where do I sleep?"

"OH RIGHT!!! YOU CAN SLEEP IN MY ROOM!!! I'LL SLEEP ON THE COUCH!!!" He screamed in my face.

"Why are you yelling? I'm right in front of you."

"I'm sorry, my mom isn't gonna be back till tomorrow cause she took the night shift."

"Okay." So are we just gonna forget the fact that he practically confessed to me? I looked at him.

His face was still red and his was down. "Asher?"

He looked up, I grabbed his face and whispered in his ear.......

"You look like a tomato." I pulled back and grinned. I'm staying the night I guess with a guy that likes me and I possibly like... what can go wrong?
Dang! Back at it again with the short chapters! Yelp now you got what Maya's thinking. Lol, what do you think is gonna happen next??? :D


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