Chapter 27: Mine

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"Mom, dad, uncle blakeyyy? I'm ho-what the heck happened here???" I gasped stepping over a broken plate. Plates were shattered all over the place and things were knocked over.

"Mom? Dad? Blake???" I said getting a bit more frantic.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a knife stuck in the wall with fabric attached to it. Okay???? I heard my mom shouting followed by sobbing. So I ran up stairs into her room just to see her father and her hugging. They were both in tears.

I saw Blake and my father hiding behind a desk. They both had metal bowls over there head and frying pans in there hands. Blake coughed and pushed Dominic out, "Dom! Can't you see they're having a heart to heart conversation!? Jeez!"

He grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room, also taking me. At a far enough distance, my dad and Blake sighed in relief, "Thank goodness, I thought that plate would have killed me!" My father exclaimed.

Blake rolled his eyes, "Bruh, it flew past your head."

"Dad. What happened while I was gone?"

"Well, your mother's father came here to tell us that he was the one who kidnapped you and that you were safe. Your mother got really mad about that, then it switched topics about who and why he left, blah blah blah. Things thrown, people almost dying cough cough me, then he explained everything and they cried." He explained in a bored tone.

"But was the breaking things unnecessary?" I gasped pointing all around us.

"I don't know." They looked at each other and left me standing there.

Hmmm....I guess imma go back to Asher's!

'Yaaaaas! You go gurl!' My conscious cheered. I rolled my eyes, not having it with you today.

I paused before knocking on his door, what if he doesn't want to see me? I shrugged my shoulders, I don't give a popsicle stick.

"Princess, what are you doing here again? Didn't you just leave?"

I scratched my head, "Well you see...."

He shook his head and opened the door wider, "Come in."

"Asher, do you mind if I invite Jake?" I asked giving him my famous puppy dog eyes. He grimaced before sighing, "Fine"

"Good, cause I already invited him, he should be here any minute now." Just as I finished my sentence, there was a knock on the door.

"Uh can you go get it? My foot fell asleep." I said sheepishly. He huffed out a breath, "Fine"

I heard him opening the door followed by a high pitched person yelling. I got up limping from my asleep foot and went to check.

There stood caked chipmunk kissing Asher. I felt my blood boil. I shoved her off him and stood in front, "Back off, he's my boyfriend."

She scoffed, "No he isn't."

"Fuck off bitch, leave him alone." I glared at her soul.

She slapped me across the face, "He's MINE!"

I cracked my knuckles "Bring it on bitch."
Dun Dun DUUUUN!!! Lol I suck at cliffhangers but liiiike.... at least I updated! Anyways, bye! 🦄❤️

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