Chapter 3: Uncle Blakey

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"Listen Asher, I don't want to deal with you right now." I said and walked away. What? I'm done come-backing for one day.

"Bu-" I cut him off, "I don't want to deal with you!" I repeated.

"Wait for me Riley!" Casey yelled behind me. Shit, I forgot again!!

At home.....

"Holy unicorns! Blakey! It's been so long since we've seen you! I've missed your food!" My mom shouted.

Uncle Blake? A grinned made its way to my face. I threw my homework and ran downstairs and into his arms.

"Uncle Blakey! I've missed you!" I squealed. He chuckled.

"I've missed you to Riley. Oh and don't worry Maya, I'll cook tonight." I looked at my mom, she had a dreamy look on her face.

"Blakey's food....Lasagna...." she sighed. I pulled away from the hug.

"Where's Dom?"

"In his office." My mom answered.

If those who want to know or is confused about Blake being gone, he did not move out. He simply went somewhere on vacation.

"Alright thanks" and with that he went upstairs to Dominic's office.

"I missed that guy." My mom said. "I did to. I like his food"

"I do to! Not to be mean or anything but I prefer his cooking over your father!"

"Mom!" I screeched. She gave me a sheepish look. I patted her shoulder, "don't worry I do to."

We smiled at each other. "What are you guys talking about now?" My father asked coming down the stairs with Blake behind him.

"You and Blakey." My mom said.

"Something good I hope?" We looked at each other again and smirked.

"Yeah, lets go with that dad."
The next day.....

"Riley! We will not have this argument again, you will go to school and that is final! Now get changed!" My father yelled frustratedly.

I pouted and yelled at the top of my lungs,  "MOM! DAD YELLED AT MEEEEE!"

My mom slammed the door open and glared at my father, "YOU DID WHAT DOMINIC!?" She screeched.

He winced, "Honey, I can explain, I just want her to go t-"

"I do not want to hear it. You are sleeping on the couch again! No excuses!" She glared at him and pulled him by the ear.

"Oh, sweetie can you please get ready for school?" She asked kindly, pausing at the door.

I nodded my head. "What?! That's no fair! I told you to go get ready for school!" He whined.

"But here's the thing dad, I don't like being yelled at. Bye, love you" I smirked as he was dragged out of the room.

Heheh, I'm so evil.

Time skip....

"Riley!" Casey squealed behind me. I turned around.

"Yes? I am right here, you do not need to yell"

"I'm sorry it's just that.... Yeeee!!! I'm sooooo happy!!!" She cheered and danced around in circles.

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