Just something for y'all

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Maya interrupted. I sighed, "No. Happy-"

"NEW YEAR!!!" She interrupted again. I groaned annoyed.

"Sweetie it's April." Dominic said coming to her side. Her mouth formed an 'o'


"Sweetheart.....no." Blake said face palming. "I GOT THIS DON'T TELL ME!" Maya said putting her finger up.

"Mom it's-" Riley said trying to help. "NO!" She growled.

My eye twitched. "OH MY GOSH IT'S- AHHHH!!! Owwww...." I groaned rubbing my forehead from where Maya hit me.... with a bat"

"I WANNA SAY IT!" She yelled. "Oh my gosh Mom then say it! Jeez!"

"I don't know....give me a minute..."

We all rolled our eyes. Dominic shook his head mumbling something while walking out of the room followed by Blake.

"Mom you're hopeless." Riley said going with Asher 'n them.

I reached my arm out dramatically. 'Don't leave me!' I thought.

"IT'S HALLOWEEN ISN'T IT?!" She asked happily.

"NO!" Everyone yelled from where they were at.

I growled and left, "I'm done."

Maya looked around making sure they were gone. "I got them good! Haha I love April fools. Anyways, Happy Easter my lovely unicorns!"

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