Chapter 16: Dirty-minded freak

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"RILEY!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?" My dad shouted at me when I stepped inside the house. I winced, here we go, grounded for life.

It was good while it lasted. My mom tackled my dad before running to me and giving me a big hug. "I was so worried! You don't do that to your mama, hahaha. Mama Maya! Eh? Eh? No? Okay."

My dad stood up and jogged to me, here we go. The lecture. Instead, he hugged me as well, "Where have you been!? You got us so worried!"

"I- uhhhhh...." this was not was I was expecting, in the morning, Asher called someone to fix his car then took me home right after.

I was scared to go inside the house cause I though I was gonna die.... but Asher being the gentleman he is, shoved me out the car, and drove off.

Isn't he such a gentleman??? True person to go to. Then I took ten minutes just to open the door and boom! I'm here.

"Riley!" Uncle Blakey cheered and hugged me as well.

"Guys I know I'm huggable but.... I... can't.... breathe!!!"

My mother pulled away first, "Come on guys let the child breathe!!! We just got her back!"

I gasped as they let go. "Now where have you been."

Then of course I explained what happened, minus the kiss and the nightmare and the Asher kidnapping me thing.

Basically I said that my friend was gonna take me to see Casey cause she was sick. Then we went to McDonalds, then the car broke down and my phone died soooo, we went to his house and I stayed the night.

"I forgave you at McDonalds!" My mother said but then glared, "Wait, You didn't bring some home!? Ugh! Never mind!"

I chuckled and took out a bag of McDonalds from my jacket. "I brought you some!"

She took the bag and munched on fries, "I Love you!"

I asked Asher to stop by McDonalds. You know, for my mom cause it's for my excuse.

"You're grounded though Sweetie." My dad said. I turned to my mom, "Mooooommmm???"

She turned her head to Dominic and pointed a fry at him, "Ground her and you sleep on the couch."

He started moving his arms from me to her, "But- but... come on!!! Fine!"

Blakey started laughing, "Your whipped bruh!!! Hahaha!" Dominic blushed, "S-Shut up Blake!"

"Aw Dom, Why you stuttering for?" He smirked.

"Yeah Dom-Dom! You tomato! Wait, Dom, THE STUTTERING TOMATO!!! Eh? Eh? How bout dat? No??? Ugh, you guys suck!" My mom whined and sulked in the corner while chewing more fries.

I just sat down on the couch eating popcorn while watching my dad and Blake argue.

"You're a stupid dirty-minded freak!" Blake yelled. Dominic gasped.

"You know what!? You're a dildo head! Yeah that's right!"

Blake narrowed his eyes, "Your face is a dildo!!!"

Dominic touched his face, "Not even! My face is perfect! Right Maya?"

She turned her head and threw a pillow at him, "BOO!!! You ugly! Get off the imaginary stage!"

"Maya!!!" He whined. Blake chuckled, "Ha, loser."

"Shut up! Maya loves me!" Dominic said proudly.

"Cocky mother trucker, Huh?" He snickered.

"Female dog." Dominic glared. Blake placed his hand where his heart is at, "Wow, I'm hurt. Someone get me ice! Cause I just got burned by that awesome roast! Please I'm dying!"


Blake grinned, "Dirty-minded freak!" Dominic grinned back, "Dildo head!"

And then they did a bro hug. Okay...

I stood up from the couch, "Imma sleep now."

"Hashtag naps. Later Sweetie." My mother said kissing my forehead.

"Have a nice nap Riley!" Blake said pulling away from the hug. "Sleep well" My dad said.

"Imma sleep too! Bye boo, bye bae!" My mom said getting up.

"Sleep well sweetheart."

"Bye honey."

My mom looked at me and smirked, "I won't tell your father about Asher."

My eyes widened, "What!? How did you know? You never even met him!"

She giggled, "I have my ways."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Wizard."

"Nah, I prefer the term, magical unicorn or mama Maya. Hahaha."

My mom knows. She is a wizard! I'm telling you!

Lol. Maya is awesome.

Bye! ❤️🦄

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