Chapter 21: Milk

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A few weeks passed since Asher sprained himself cause of the dumbass he was, jk. Well we started spending more time together.

I also hang out with Jake, he's so funny! And I can totally see that Asher is jealous.

Buuuuuut I wanna see where this will take me, I'm gonna make him suffer my wrath!!!! Omg What??? I dunno what I'm even saying anymore.

Anyways, I am currently having a walk with Asher. No it's not anything special. It's raining and it's suuuuper windy. Why are we walking? I have no idea.

"Hey Asher why aren't we running to your car?"

"Have you forgotten that we walked to McDonalds?"

That makes sense.

My mouth formed and 'o' shape. "OH YEAH HUUUUUUH!!!!! But why are we just walking, we're getting soaked in da rain tho."

"It's fine you can borrow my clothes when we get back to my house then I'll drive you home."

"YAAAAAS OKAY!" I yelled and literally sprinted back to his place. It wasn't that far anyways.

By the time I got there.....I was dead..... I literally fell to the ground panting.

"You know it was just a block right?" He said coming up to me.

I put a finger to my lips, "Shhhhhhh, let me sleep."

"Hey, no! You can't seriously be sleeping here! The ground is wet and dirty!"

In my head the first thing that I was gonna say was so is your mom but then I'm far. Sooooo, I went with the next best thing, "Like I care?"

He picked me up and brought me inside, "No. stay here imma get you clothes."

I laid down on the floor, "Okayyyy."

"Don't sleep." He said pointing a finger at me. "Yeah, I'm not promising anything."

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever brb."

A couple of minutes later he came back with a black hoodie and sweats. "Here."

"Thank chu very much!" I said jumping up from the floor and grabbing the clothes.

"Okay, hurry up, you still need to get home."

I nodded my head and waved him off, "Need to change."

Turned around covering his eyes. After I finished changing he drove me home.

"I'M BACK BOIIIIII" I yelled walking awesomely through the door.

"Where you at tho????" My mom smirked coming to the living room.

"I'm here though???? If you can't see that then...YOU NEED SOME MILK."

"NO YOU DO!!" My mom yelled childishly. My dad came to the living room as well.


My mom glared at him, "YOU'RE SLEEPING IN THE DOG HOUSE."

"Honey, first off, we don't have a dog and we don't have a dog house." He deadpanned.

She looked away, "Okay den, can I have some pie???"

"We don't have any."

She glared at him, "Then buy some, I'm hungry and I want pie. Get that or buy a pet dog."

He groaned, "The things I do....."

She chuckled, "Hey yeah, you signed up for dis when you decided you wanted to marry meeee. Soooooo it's your fault."

He rubbed his face, getting his keys, "Yeah but I never regretted it."

I got up from the couch, "Yeah I ain't dealing with this mushy stuff."

"You're just jelly cause I have a man and you don't." She laughed. Blake bursted through the living room, "HAHA GET ROASTED!!!!"

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Oh I have a boyfriend...."

My mom crossed her arms daring, "Oh?"

I crossed my arms too, "Yup, and his name is Asher."

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