Chapter 11: Good and bad

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Ahh, just another boring day at school! Even more boring, Casey isn't coming to school because she's sick, and I don't even know what happened with the guys. So I'm basically all by my self....


I sighed, "Whyyyyy!"


"Ow!!" I cried. Someone just opened the door in my face. Note to self, don't walk on the side of the hallway where the classroom doors are...

"Watch where your going!" A squeaky voice said.

I gasped, "Oh my gosh! There's a talking mouse in the school, oh wait it's just a slut with a helium voice,never mind!"

"Excuse me!?" She screeched putting her hand on her hip.

I stepped to the side smirking, "You're excused."

Her mouth hung opened and glared, "UGH! What ever, your not worth my time!" She said walking away.

"Well besides all the guys you F!!!" I called back.

I ignored her as she was screaming like a crazy person.

"Got you!" A deep voice said in back of me and grabbed me from behind.


Next thing I knew, I was in a car heading somewhere. Hold up, did I just get kidnapped? In school? Wow the schools security sucks.

"Who in da hell are you?" I yelled to the guy wearing a black hoodie that is currently driving.

"I'm your worst nightmare!"

I gasped, "Are you the boogeyman That also hates unicorns but loves Pegasus!? Nooooo!!"

"No....What? I-just... no."

"Then who are you?"

"Some one you hate." He said sheepishly stopping at a house.

"Uhhh... I don't hate anyone. Hey let me go!!" I screamed as he picked my up and brought me inside.

"Why did you bring me here? Are you gonna kill me? I know karate! Uhhh, I know how to throw people over my shoulder!!" I babbled.

"Wait you don't hate anyone?" He questioned tilting his head.

"Uhhh no. I used to hate this one dude named Asher though, but turns out he's pretty cool, just very annoying."

He sighed and flopped on the ground. "Thank goodness!"

"Asher!?" I yelled.

"How'd you know?" He asked looking up.

"Well your hood fell off as you flopped on the ground. Why did you kidnap me and why am I here."

He scratched his head, "Surprise?"

"Why though." I asked.

"I just did as you told me." Asher said standing up.

"What did you tell me?" I have bad memory sometimes.

"You don't remember our conversation yesterday?"

I shook my head no. He sighed, "Never mind. I just brought you here cause I......I wanted to hang out."

"You could have called or texted me you idiot!" I yelled and whacked him and the shoulder.

"Ow Sorry." He whined and mumbled something at the end but I couldn't hear it.

"What was that?" I said cupping my hand to my ear.

"Nothing." He said quickly. I rolled my eyes, idiot. "What do you wanna do?"

"What kind of games do you got?"

A few hours of playing call of duty later....

"How are you so good at this???" He whined and threw the controller childishly.

I smirked at him, "Crybaby! Wait, what time is it?"

He looked at his phone, "Wow time went by fast, it's six."

My eyes widened as I sprang up from the sofa, "My mom and dad are gonna kill me! Wait, my dad is gonna kill me then probably my mom would get mad at him.... I need to call!" I grabbed my phone and tried turning it on.

Son of a biscuit, my battery's dead. "My phone is no longer living." I said.

"Use mine to call." He said handing it to me, I just stared down at the phone.

"Aren't you gonna call?"

"I didn't memorize there numbers, heheh...." I chuckled nervously.

"How can you not memorize your parents number!?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "It has numbers, meaning it's in the family of math, meaning I don't like math meaning I'm not gonna pay attention."

He face palmed, "I'll just bring you back home. Come on." I nodded my head.

Once we got in the car he tried starting it. Once, twice, nothing....

He groaned and popped the hood, "Technical difficulties, please stand by."

Oh my gosh, my luck is wild today, it's good and then bad then good again.

Asher cleared his throat, "Wanna stay the night?"

I looked at him, "Car won't start, huh?" He shook his head, "Battery overheated."

"Can I just borrow your charger?"

He scratched his head, "Actually, I need a new one cause it ripped from the cord. It was pretty old."

I sighed, I'm so dead when I get home.

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