Chapter 8: We Rule And Not You

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I'm totally sorry for not updating in a while! Forgive meeeee!!! 😢 *coughs* Anyways, back to the story.

"I'm finally hoooooooome!!!!" My mom cheered and ran inside. You see, my mom has been in the hospital until now (basically a day). I think the doctors got annoyed by her cause when we were leaving, they were celebrating.

"Maya, honey, please don't run, you might get hurt again!" My father said chasing after her.

"Catch me if ya can Dom! Hahaha!"


"Haha they're going at it again huh?" Blake said standing next to me. I nodded my head.
Next day......

"It's Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday,
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend Friday, Friday Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend-"

"Gosh Casey, please! I don't really like that song! Stop singing!" I cried.

"But it's Frid-"

"No! Shut up!"


"No! It's not even Friday!! It's Thursday!" I yelled and glared at her. She pouted and ran to Mark's arms. If Mark's here, that means....

"Hi princess, miss me?"

"I will bite your finger if you don't leave me alone." I said in a blunt tone. He gulped, shook his head, and glared.

"It was a compliment! You being cute was a compliment!"

I 'tch'ed, "But you said it in a mocking way!"

"Aww, you wanted me to mean it?" He smirked. My face started warming up, not cause of embarrassment, because of anger.

"Of course not! I don't like you or your 'compliments' do you can go poop yourself!" I yelled.

"Awwww!!!" He cooed giving me a hug. Ewww he's hugging me!!!! 'He's pretty warm though.' My mind sighed. No! Stop it! That's not true.... okay He is warm but that's not the point! 'Hehehe'

"Let go of meeee!!!" I said trying to wriggle out of his arms only resulting in him tightening his arms around me.

"Nah I'm good like this. You remind me of my pillow." He sighed.

"I take that offensive! Let go! I know how to throw you, my mom taught me!" I warned.

"You're bluffing."

I moved my head to look up at him, "Oh but I'm not." I grabbed his shirt from the back, pulled back, grabbed his arm, and threw him over my shoulder.


"Owww!" He whined and just laid there eagle style. I smirked, "Told ya!"

"How did your mom teach you this!?" He asked flabbergasted.

"She didn't, but I saw her flip my dad when he tried to take a piece of her food. I learn by watching." I explained.

"Now, What do you think the lesson here is?" I smirked looking down at him.

"If I ever come to your house, not to touch your mom's food?" He questioned, sitting up.

"No you idiot!" I snapped.

"I'm kidding, not to give you a hug.... unless you want one!" He grinned.

I glared at him. He put his arms up in surrender, "Kidding again!"

"Hahaha, Asher! You suck! You got thrown by a girl!!" Mark laughed. Casey turned her head to looked at him.

"Are you implying girls aren't strong!?" She sneered. Mark's eyes widened, "No!"

I watched as she grabbed onto his shoulders, shoved him backwards, stuck out her foot making him fall next to Asher.


"Ouch!" He winced rubbing his back. I high-fived Casey.

"Lesson here boys. We rule and not you!" Casey and I said at the same time.

"How did you get thrown by her dude? She's small!" Mark said. I glared at him.

"What about you huh? You got tripped and shoved by your girl, how do you feel about that?" Asher countered.

So they're just gonna have a conversation on the ground or something?

"What the hell just happened?" A random guy asked his friend.

"I dunno. Don't ask me." His friend replied. Yeah you keep walking boi!

"Let's go to class guys! Get up! Hurry before we're late!" Casey said kicking Mark and Asher lightly with her foot.

I giggled when Mark pulled her down and hugged her. See, now that's cute!

"Why can't we hug like that?" Asher asked pouting. I kicked him lightly.

"Shut up!" I said turning away. I looked looked at him from the corner of my eyes and smiled.
BOOM! Another chapter done! I suck at this! I'm running out of ideas! I just want to skip to the part where they end up together. SIKE! They may or may not end up together! Who know?

Bye bye!!!🦄

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