Chapter 9: I have the weirdest dreams

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"Mooooommmyyyy!!!" I whined slash shouted. She walked into the door rubbing her eyes, "Wazz happennnn???"

"I can't sleep!!!" Ugh!

"It's okay honey. Just close your eyes and keep them closed, if not the boogeyman will come and kill you from your closet. Love you! Sweet dreams!" She cheered and walked out of the room.

Jeez mom! That totally helped me! I glanced at my closet, it's not like I'm scared! I'm just... making sure!

I know, I know! You're probably thinking: Come on Riley, you're seventeen turning eighteen, why da heck are you scared of the boogeyman!?

Well, everyone has there own fears and mine is the boogeyman... also a person that I'm very close to say that unicorns aren't real.

I put the blanket over my head. Don't look at me like that, I know you all did that at one point in your life!

I shut my eyes and forced myself to sleep......

"Never mind I can't sleep. Maybe I just need a cup of milk." I got up and walked down the stairs.

Is it just me or the stairs look like it's going on forever. I jumped when I heard something groaning at the bottom of the stairs.

"Uhhh... Uncle Blakey? Did you fall again? Do you need life alert!?" I questioned walking faster.

"I'm not Blake!" The thing with a really, really, REALLY deep voice growled. "I'm You're worst nightmare!!!!"

I gasped, "are you my dad and gonna tell me that unicorns don't exist!?"

"No, Wtf, I'm the BOOGEYMAN!!!!!!" It yelled and started thumping up the stairs.

"Ahhhh!!! Nope, nope, I am not dying today! Nuh-uh! Heck to da Nah!! Hellz to da nooooo!!!" I yelled running back up.

"I'm gonna get you!" It screeched.

"Hahaha, I know this isn't the time but you sound like a stalker!"

"RAAAWRRR!!!!" I jumped and started running faster. It feel like I'm on a treadmill!!! On the bright side, I'm getting a workout!

I finally made it to the top when I took a sharp turn and ran to my room.

"Honey?" My mom and dad asked turning around. I made sure my door was locked before I looked at them.

"Mom, dad! I just saw the boogeyman!!!" I yelled pointing to the door. They both looked st each other and laughed.

"Sweetie the boogeyman isn't real!" My dad chuckled. "Yeah, that sounds almost as bad as unicorns. It's all a myth!" My mom agreed.

My mouth hung open. Impossible! I must be dreaming! My mom would never say that, she loves unicorns!!!!

"No, they are real!!" I countered.

"Sweetie. Unicorns and the boogeyman are fake, a myth! You just need sleep!" My mom said slowly.

My worst fears are coming trueeeeeee!!!!!

I ran out the room and past the boogeyman to the restroom. A loud crash came from in the mirror and a unicorn came out.

"I knew they were real!" I squealed. The unicorn nodded its head.

"My name is Maximus! I have come to help you!" Maximus said.


"Maximus, Mom doesn't believe in you anymore!" I cried.

"Maya? Oh, she was the top believer until...." He trailed off.

"Until what!?"

He shook his head, "Until she changed her love for unicorns to.... Pegasus...."

I gasped. "No way!!!"

"Yes. I was her unicorn...."

"How are you gonna help me Max?"

He started sparkling, "With the power of unicorn loooooooveeeee!!!!!!!!"

Everything turned into a bright rainbow light, with glitter fluttering everywhere.

"Maximus!?" My mother said. "You're here, you're back!!!"

"I believe so Maya." He said smiling.

"Where have you been!? All these years!" She cried hugging him.

"I've been with you. I saw you, you love Pegasus now don't you?"

Then a Pegasus with bright blue eyes and golden wings came. "Maya! Come with me!"

She turned her head. "Rainbowella?" I sat down eating popcorn, ooOoooOoo this got interesting.

"I know huh." Asher said sitting down next to me.

"What the heck!? What are you doing here? Or more importantly, how did you get here???"

He smiled down at me and hugged me, "Shhhh. Let's just watch this beautiful rainbow sunset..."

I blushed. The fuuuuudge!? I looked up and saw we were suddenly in a field of clouds with glitter sprinkling down.

Music started playing while the rainbow sunset went on. Umm okay!?

"Riley...." Asher whispered turning to me. "Uhhh, Yeah?"

He blushed, "I-"

"SHIIIIP MOTHA TRUCKAS!!!!!!" Casey yelled  appearing out of no where.

"Casey! Noooo! They were about to kiss!" Mark whined.

"Shit, I am sooo sorry! Go on!" She said and grabbed Mark's hand.

"I'll give ya both a ride home." Rainbowella said.

"Cool thanks!" They said at the same time and left.

Looking back at Asher, he's cheeks were still pink. Cuuuuute!!! I may think he's annoying but he's soooo cute!

"I lik-"

"RILEY! YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL AND NO BUTS!!!" My father interrupted.

Asher sighed and kissed my forehead. "Bye Riley. See you at school." He smirked.


I jolted awake, "Huh!? Whaaaa??? What's happening? Boogeyman!?"

My father looked at me weirdly. "Uhhhh.... Get up. Breakfast is ready."

He looked at me one more time and left the room. I sighed and laid back down. Jeez I have the weirdest dreams...

Riley.... I lik-

I shook my head. I wonder what he was going to say. Was he going to say he liked me? Probably not, besides, it's a dream after all. He wouldn't say that to me in real life... Would he?
BOOM! Another chapter done! Hahaha.

Bye bye!🦄

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