Chapter 7: Riley Bit Me And It Really Really Hurt!

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"Riley!!!!" Casey yelled and attacked me in a hug. "Are you Okay!? You didn't come back from the principal's office, I thought he killed you or something!"


"You know he can be a vampire right!? Be carful, I don't want you to be a vampire!!!!"

What the heck? "Case, What are you talking about?"

"VAMPIRES!!!!" She screeched, shaking my shoulders rapidly.

"Casey come down! There are no such thing as vampires! You read to many fictional book, stop it!"

"Okay, okay, I am calm.... I am a calm potato...." She sighed. Ha!


"What the hell was that all about?" Asher said. I turned around and glared at him.

"When did you get here!? And stop popping out of no where!" I yelled at him.

"Mark!" Casey cheered and hugged him. I tuned the lovey dovey couple out and focused my attention on Asher.

"About the part when Casey yelled vampires. And I don't know what you're talking about." Asher said nonchalantly.

"Ugh! Whatever!"

"Oh is the little princess angry? Aww that's so cute!" He cooed poking me on the cheek. He's pissing me off.

I turned my head to the side and bit his finger. "Ow! Help, Riley bit me and it really, really hurts!" He cried out.

"Riley let go of his finger!" Casey said. I shook my head no. "Riley...." she warned.

No, he's being a B. I'm not giving in.... "RILEY GREENE RELEASE HIS FINGER THIS INSTANT!" She scolded. I bit hard and let go."

"Owww, I think you killed my finger!" He pouted. 

"That's not possible." Mark said.

Casey's POV

Omg!!! They act so much alike! I ship, I ship, I SHIP!!! Du-du-du-duuuu! Yaaaasss!!!!

They even fight like a old married couple. Wow, I can see it now... I totally call being the maid of honor.

"Casey, hello?" Riley said snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Whaaaaaa?" I asked dazed. "The bell rang five minutes ago. I've been trying to tell you."

"Where's the others?"

"They just left. You just stood there staring dreamily at the locker. Even Mark tried getting your attention." Really?

"I was doing that?" Aww poor Mark.... I'll buy him chocolate. He's so cute.....

"Not again, hoy!" What?


She groaned, "Let's go, we gotta stop this habit of coming to class late." I nodded my head in agreement.

Riley's POV

Damn, I have a headache! Stupid Asher and his stupid face and stupid words and..... ugh, he's just stupid in general! Grrr....


"That's for annoying me!" I said.

"You didn't have to bite my damn finger!" He growled.

"Yeah I did."

"Oh so you bite random peoples finger!?"

"Umm hello? Casey? You there?" Mark said waving his hand in front of Casey. "You're creeping me out, stop staring at the locker."

"No, You're the only one who annoys me!" I countered.

"Well that's stupid!"

"You're stupid and annoying! Go away!"

"So we're not gonna do anything about Casey?" Mark said awkwardly.

"No you go away!" He yelled.

"No, you!"

"No, you!!"

"YOU!!!!" I screamed. He rolled his eyes.

"You're so immature and childish!" He yelled. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"You're the one doing the same thing am doing!"

"What am I doing?"

"You're childish and annoying!"

He gasped, "How am I childish!? It's you! You bit my gosh darn FINGER because I gave you a compliment!"

"Well you already knew I was aggravated and you still annoyed me further! So don't you dare think I bit you for no reason!"

"But You BIT my FINGER!" He yelled frustratedly.

"Enough with your damn finger!"

"Umm Okay, I'll just wait here until your done." Mark said sit sitting down against the locker.

"Whatever!!!" He yelled crossing his arms.

"Fine!" I said crossing my arms too.

"Fine!!" He said backing up slowly.

"FINE!!!!" I screamed.

"Let's go Mark." Asher said dragging him away.

"What about Casey?" Mark asked.

"She'll handle it!"

I glared at him while he left.

"Maid of honor...." Casey giggled. I turned to her and snapped my fingers in front of her face.

"Hello, Casey?"

Flashback over....

I dislike him! Hmph!
Poor Mark! He was ignored! Ohhhh anyone notice that she said dislike instead of hate? Progress maybe? Who knows?

Bye bye!! See ya later!🦄

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