Chapter 39 The Surprise

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(Authors note: What I double updated today? Haha yeah I suddenly felt really inspired and I was like you know what I'll write 2 chapters today anyways hope you like it )

Luke's P.O.V
Back when we were all with One direction while Amber and Denise were off talking I huddled everyone together quickly to help me with the surprise that would have taken place hours later. 
Every nodded and knew what to do.  Just in time Denise started walking back towards me. 

I really hope she likes what I'm doing tonight.  I want everything to be Perfect. 
She deserves perfect
We deserve perfect. 
———————Back to present time ——————
Luke's P.O.V
God I'm so nervous she's sitting in the car next to me as "How do you feel" by the Maine is playing in the speakers of my car. 

I feel so nervous my hands are sweating and I keep rubbing them off on my jeans and She keeps glancing over me. Giving me an odd look.

Calm down Luke.  You can't give away that you're nervous.  This has to seem like a regular date.

She grabbed one of my hands and kissed it and smiled at me.  I released whatever air I was keeping in and relaxed. 

As long as I have her by my side I'll be okay. 

I returned the gesture and kissed the back of her hand. She blushed and looked off to her side out the window. 

I was going to drive her to a amphitheater area over here not to far from the house. 

I brought a blindfold with me so she wouldn't see where we were actually going to go. 

I stopped a block away so I could put it on her.

"Umm are we there already? She asked curiously.
"Nope just a little further but I'm going to need you to put this on" I handed her a black bandana.

"Hmm Kinky,  I swear Lucas if you brought me out here to secretly murder me. Lissette and Ashley will Hunt your ass down and mur-"
I cut her off
"Oh my god relax! I would never murder you , damn you're super paranoid, and yes it is kinky but we'll save that for later " I said whispering the last part .
At least I'd hope there'd be a later.

She put it on after laughing. And I grabbed her by the waist and guided her down the street and into the Ampitheater.  

I sat her down in a chair and sat across from her. I told her she could remove the blindfold. But she couldn't turn around until I said so. She promised and took off the blindfold and met my eyes.
Denise's P.O.V
I opened my eyes and immediately made eye contact with his beautiful blue eyes and he was smiling.
I looked in front of me and there was a table with 1 single candle lit. Not enough to light up where we were but just enough to see the table and the delicious Pizza that was laying on it.

"Oh so you got my favorite food, why are you playing at hemmings?" I asked while smirking.

"Oh nothing... let's eat" he said smiling.

We talked for several minutes about us and how far we've come.
And I admit I was very tempted to turn around since he kept looking over my shoulder. 

He got a text message and quickly read it and smiled.

He reached over the table and grabbed my hand.

"I love you very much Denise. Umm Ima have to part ways with you for a couple of seconds. You cannot turn around until I tell you so.  Okay? " he said.
I nodded giving him a weird look but laughed.
Luke's P.O.V
I quickly ran behind her and ran onto the stage that was in the ampitheater.  

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