Chapter 33 Happy and sad tears.

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( A/N Just a suggestion.
If you want to Please listen to the video on the top of the page when I say in the chapter.  I will put an authors note on when the perfect time to play it will be. It will help set the mood....Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter. )

Denise's (P.O.V)
I walked into my hotel room and Luke was already getting in the shower.
I put on my All Time Low t-shirt and put on Sweat pants and Laid down on the bed.
I got under the covers and started to think about everything that happened today.

Mali-koa .... The girl who could possibly be my half older sister.

But what if it wasn't real?
What if this whole day was just a dream?

Maybe my head is just messing with me and I'll wake up any minute now.

I pinched myself and nothing happened .
All I felt was the sting of pain.

Yup.....this is real.
But why would my dad Cheat on my mom?.... Unless they had a break.... I doubt it though.

Whatever happened Was before I was even born. And 2 years before cal was born.

Had he cheated and never told my mom? Or Did she know about Mali and decided not to tell me and cal?
Oh cal.  He has no idea.... I'll tell him soon...

I have so many questions that need to be answered.

But as for now. I'll wait until Mali comes back when dad is around. I want to see if this is all true.

I turned on the Hotel TV and decided to watch American Horror story  I was watching The first season because why not.

Then after a couple minutes, Luke came out of the Restroom with his towel low on his waist.

I smiled at him and he smirked.

"Hemmings! Don't even think about it!" I said Looking at him with my face serious.

He bit his lip and Walked over to his drawer.  Pulling the towel off and putting on his boxers.

He walked over to me Half naked
and smiled really big.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Babe .....I love you" he said.
Crawling onto the bed and cuddling me till we both fell asleep.

Lissette's (P.O.V)
We were still in the car on our way to our date. When all of a sudden the car stopped. I looked over to Ashton and he spoke.
"We're not there yet but i have to blind fold you so you won't see where we're going." He said.
"Wow your not going to murder me or something right? " I said half joking.
"No , I just want this to be a real surprise" he said smiling.
"Hmm okay weirdo" I said.
He then put a red bandanna on me.
Then the car starting moving again.
After about 10 minutes or so the car stopped.
I admit I was nervous now only because What if this date wasn't just an ordinary date.

What if he wanted to tell me something. Was this really just so I won't be mad at him anymore?

"Okay babe just take my hand and I'll guide you to where we're going." He said.

As soon as he got me off the car and walking. All I heard was music and yelling.

A concert?

Then he spoke. "You can take off your Blind fold now" he said.


I took it off and my eyes met the most beautiful thing ever. We were at a huge music festival there were fireworks and flashing lights and amazing music couples, friends, everyone dancing and having a good time.

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