chapter 77

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Opening my eyes slowly,  only white walls and nothing else more greeted me. Plopping on my elbow,  tried to get up, seeking for the voice that is calling out for me. Pain shot through my body as i sit down. Looking down, my body trembled in fear as i saw the purple bruise.
My head snapped to the left as I saw a glimpse of shadow of a boy running behind the white curtain. I smiled as a heard a small giggle coming from behind the white curtain behind me. The pain is so execrating but I can’t stop myself to seek for the small boy who is clearly playing with me.
Putting down my feet ever so slow so that the by wont suspect that I’m coming for him. He is still standing behind the curtain, his small black shoe gave way. Slowly  tip toed to the curtain, his giggle becomes so clear. Grabbing the curtain in my hand,  I yanked it to the side.
My eyes widen, in shock because the only thing left is the small black shoe I saw earlier. Hugging the shoe tight to my chest, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I now that t is the small boy, because his small finger razed my cheek softly, wiping away the tears falling on my cheek.
“Mummy, I’ll play with you again.. I have to go now, I will come back okay,”
Mummy, the boy call me his mum. He must be my baby then. Why must he leave though? He mhst stay with me.
“Baby come back, mummy need you” I called out for him.
He is not there anymore, only his giggle can be heard.  Looking around, I cant find him. My head felt so heavy, laden with worry.
“Sofi.. Sofi...” 
Someone is touching my shoulder, hard. However the voice is so far,far away.
“I Will come back, mummy... this is my place.. not yours.. go mummy,”
“Baby, come with mummy,”
“Sofi, darling.. wake up please “
The voice calling out for me became clearer, is it Em?.

I was still outside, trying to gather myself. The news was unexpected for me. Our first born, remain unborn. The image of Sofi laughing and siling after receiving the news still plastered on my mind. Slowly it faded away, replaced by her distraught face as she opened the door.
“ALLAH, just give me the strength I need, she need, my family need at this time of darkness. My dream already shattered, but don’t let her fall back to her shattered dream.. I need her as she need me,” Tears rolled down my cheek I joined my hand.
I was just standing up, about to walk again towards the place where Sofi is when I saw Rayhan running to my side. His face distraught, worry contorted on his face as his gaze met mine.
“Sofi.. she is waking up, but.. “ Rayhan couldn’t finish his word as i marched in, running towards Sofi ward.
“Baby, come back”
Her eyes still closed shut, but her head moved back and forth as her hand flies up in the air.
“She was smiling .. then she hissed like she was having a nice dream then suddenly she cried..  as if it started with a good dream then .. nightmare came...,” Rayhan speaks as doctors came in.
She was trashing her head as she mumbled something.
“Sofi.. darling, wake up please,”
“Em,” she called out my name as her eyes opened slowly.
She smiles weakly as her hand curled around her chest as if she is holding something.
“Em, is that you?” her eyes stared deep into mine.
“Yes, its me... sweety..” hugging her tightly as I took a seat beside her on the bed.
“where is he?” she asked me as i cupped her face in my hand.
“Who? Adhan?” I asked,
She shook her head vigorously.
“Our baby.. he was here hiding behind the white curtain,” her eyes roamed around, scanning the room.
The doctor and Nurses gaze shifted between each other as they speak between them. Rayhan face paled as he look at me.
“Sofi,” my throat felt so dry. How should I tell her that our baby couldn’t make it. The curtain ib the room not ecven in white, its green.
My hand on her shoulder as she looked around, her eyes twinkled.
“ Look.. i was holding his shoe.. maybe it has fallen down.” She looked down the bed, gripping on tge bed edge.
“ Sofi, our baby is not hiding.. see the curtain is green not white” I pointed at the curtain.
She pushed my hand away. The twinkles in her eyes gone  as she pursed he lip into thin line.
“I saw him Em.. he was here.. you are playing with him.. just show him Em please.”
Her eyes welled up.
Turning my head, I saw Rayhan walking out. The doctors and nurses is still there, smiling bitterly at me.
“Our baby couldn’t make it darling,” my voice cracked as her face changed.
“But.. but.. “ she stammered. Her hand wiping away the tears falling on her cheek.
“I saw him.. you are lying Em” she yelled.
Her hand pulling my elbow as her eyes scanned the whole room, “Baby please come out, mummy waiting for you,”
I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. She is in shock, the biggest shock in her life. Lucky for you Adhan, i would kill him right now.
The doctors then come closer, holding something in his hand.
Sofi was still yelling and pushing me away when the doctor inject some medicine to her. 

Sorry for the delay. I was tired and out of idea. Thank you for still giving me the oppurtunity

Anyway.. part of this chapter is my experience. When i want to give bitth to my first child, the dictor already told us that the chance of the baby surviving is very slim as the baby is very low on weight.. just 1 kg..

During the night, as my operation scheduled the next day ( it is a ceasarean birth.. in attempt to save both me nd the baby.).. i had the same dream. But in my dream the baby voice asked me to be brave and keep on praying for him.

So .. im so lucky.. the 1kg baby is now a healthy 8 year old boy. So .. do t give up praying.. that whT i did the whole night.. praying

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