Chapter 75

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Chapter 75. (unedited)

A soft kiss on my cheek woke me up instantly. My eyes open up like two flashlight beams as my body jerked forward.

"Hai, princess.. got your beauty sleep?" his finger caressed my cheek as i placed my hand on my chest, steadying my pounding heart.

"It's 6 in the evening already, you want some milk,?" he asked trailing his finger on my exposed hip.

Nodding my head, I gave him a weak smile.

"I'll change first-," I decided to stand up but Adhan tugged my hand, sending me down on his lap with both my hand on his neck.

"No, just wear this," he said, staring into my eyes.

I don't know why, but can feel the hair behind my neck stood up as all my senses heightened. He hold my hand in his as he dragged me out to the kitchen again. Silently, I was cursing myself for falling asleep. I shouldn't let my guard down now, not when the freedom is just inches away.

After having the milk with some crackers, Adhan requested me to sit with him at the couch to watch some televisyen program. It is weird, he never had request like this before. Alwayd drinking milk, he will usually lock me back inside the room. Not that, I'm complaining but something is really cooking in his mind.

"I want to go in the room,"

"No," he bellowed. His face hardened as he grabbed my hand and pushed me on the couch forcefully. His hand balled into a fist a he flew punches to the wall beside me.

"Told. You. Not. To . disobey. Me" he said after each punch on the wall.

The next things, he yanked me up and put me on his shoulder before walking to another room that I haven't seen before. He dropped me on the bed before grabbing both my hand and locking it behind my head.

Tears rolled down on my cheek as I realized that he is forcing himself on me. trying to free myself away from him, I wriggle my arm but everything proved futile as his grip on my arm tightened with my every move.

"Please Adhan, let me go," I pleaded as tears streamed down my cheek, blurring my vision.

His hand already on his button on his shirt as he let go one of my arm. He was breathing heavily as his eyes travelled all over my body. Seeing an opportunity, I raised my leg and knee and aimed at his groin.

His eyes widened and his stumbled down on the floor, groaning in pain. The first thing I did, was running towards the door and run towards the kitchen, taking a knife in my hand.

I was looking for the house key inside the drawers when he comes from my back, pulling my hair and knocks my head on the wall. The pain was so intense that I dropped the knife that I was holding on the floor, as my body slumped down on the floor.

I have the knife between my grips but, Adhan kicked it away as he kicked me in the stomach. Pain shot through my whole body as he pulled my leg dragging me on the floor.

This is not the end of my life, I keep on telling myself as I try to grab anything to hold on. Finally he let my leg go and that's the time I saw him standing kneeling down with his leg caging me, with nothing on his body, stark naked.

I bit my lip so hard, that I can feel my blood oozing out on my tongue.

Where are you Emraan? I need you now

My hand was on the floor, trying to grab anything that I can use, but nothing, there is nothing I can use against him. every time I moved up, he pulled me down. his lips crushed on mine, and at the same exact time, my finger brushed against something sharp.

Without wasting any more time, I grabbed that thing and stab it on his back, in out out with all the strength left in my body. He roared in pain and his body falls on the side. Standing on my feet, I glanced at the sharp metal thing in my hand. It was the knife that I got hold earlier. Blood was dropping down from my palm to the floor. Seeing the blood, I threw the knife away.

Turning my heel, I looked down on my half-torn dress. Limping towards the drawers beside the door, I ransacked the drawer, looking for the key. I let out a relief breath, when my gaze falls on a bunch of key. I've just got a hold of the key when suddenly I feel his hand pulling my leg sending me down on the floor again.

Curling up, clutching my stomach, I let out a loud shriek. This time, when I fell down, it was not my head that hit the floor first, it was my stomach.

"If I can't get you, nobody can" he said holding the same knife that I threw on the floor. His grip on the knife tightens as he hunched down.

The knife tip glows in front of my eyes he raised the knife up.

Raise your leg and kick his chest, then run

A voice behind my head sounded.

Adhan hand lowered as he tries to stab me. something kicked inside of me, giving me a new ray of hope. peeling my hand away from my stomach, I grabbed his waist and kicked him on his stomach.

My kick was not hard but it's enough to buy me time so that I can crawl to the leg is so painful, that I can't even stand up. The door is only a few steps away.

Slowly and in immense pain, I dragged myself towards the door. My vision blurred as my gaze falls on my bloodied hand. It might be Adhan blood, own. I couldn't think of it now. Trembling, my fingers reached for the knob, holding on it to stand up.

Inserting the key inside the lock, I heard his footstep behind me.

"I thought so low of you" he startled me.

I am at the door of freedom, nothing can stop me now. Turning the knob, my ear caught the sound of sirens nearing. I smiled to myself as I open the door.

A loud bang sounded from my back and a sharp pain on m back. Slowly the world faded around me as my eyes caught a glimpse of police car stopping. Every things moves so slow around me, that I can see the faces of the police officer as they came rushing out from the car.

The last blurry image I saw is a screamingEmraan running towards me but a few police stopped him. nothing after that,only darkness.    


i've cried writing this chapter.

please hope that Sofi wil be okay after this ordeal.

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