Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 (unedited)

Sofi rested her head on the window while Ahmad stares blankly the traffic in front of him. Questions swarmed his mind but he impatiently wants to ask the woman beside him. Her condition however stopped him.

Sofi tried to hold the pain clutching in her heart. As much as she tried to hold it, the pain became unbearable. Coming out like a roar from her throat in form of silent scream. Biting her lower lip, she tried to fight the tear welling up in her eyes. The vision outside the car blurred as the salty drop broke the dam and rolled on her cheek. The pearl shape water started falling down one after another. Wiping it away with her backhand, she stared into the darkness outside.

The car stopped near the curve beside Beth's Café. Slowly, Sofi unlocked the car not waiting for anyone to open it for her for the fear that other people will see her state of weakness.

Ahmad slides out the car and catch Sofi's hand in his. He couldn't stop the feeling inside his heart that something awful had happened back at the harbor. He is genuinely worried and care for Sofi.

He turned her so that they can face each other. When at last her face turned to him, her face was a face of sadness with tears flowing down her cheek with small sob coming out from her lip. He slides his hand to her back, rubbing and patting her; trying his best to console her.

"What happened back there Sofi?" he asked her in his low voice, his thumb wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"Ahmad, there is something you should know" Sofi voice cracked. Her fingers curled around his, peeling it away from her cheek.

Her eyes still glistened with tears but there is a hint of determination in those teary eyes. "I'm.. I'm... married-," she paused gulping down her breath. Squeezing her eyes shut she blurted out the whole truth in one breath, "I'm Emraan wife"

Opening her eyes slowly, Sofi look into a wide eyes Ahmad. He stands there motionless. His hands fall on his side. When the truth downed on him, he asked her again in disbelief, "you are joking, right?". He stared at Sofi like she is magician with wand who has just pulls out a rabbit from her hat.

Sofi shakes her head.

Ahmad blinks his eyes few times and he takes a step backwards. He let out a bitter laugh while mumbling something to himself.

Sound of engine nearing them caught their attention. Both of them turned to head toward the direction from where the sound came. A bright light from two headlights brightens the dimly lighted pavement where Ahmad and Sofi standing facing each other. Sofi cover her eyes with her hand, when the light shines brightly almost blinding her eyes.

A black BWM stopped directly behind Ahmad car and out came an angry Emraan stomping his way with Belinda trotting behind him screaming and asking him to calm down.

Ahmad stands his guard, protecting Sofi behind him with his arm wide open. Sofi stands behind Ahmad, covering herself from the angry Emraan. Fury and fire dancing in his small narrowed eyes.

"Ahmad, you stay away," Emraan roared. His face contorted with venomous outburst, brewing like a storm out at the deep blue sea.

Ahmad unmoved, still guarding Sofi from Emraan outburst, talked calmly to Emraan putting sense into his raging mind. "Calm down mate, she is damn scared. Your anger will just push her away".

Sofi winched with her face turned away, to the entrance of her apartment. Part of her just wants to leave and walks back to her small apartment. Her experience however proved her that, running away will not settle the problem, it will just escalate.

Sofi walks out of Ahmad shadow right into the cold and steely stare of Emraan. Her gaze fall on Emraan knuckles which has turned white from clenching his fist too hard and too long. His face was red with the suppressed anger that he tried to control. Sofi is still clueless, as she couldn't really decipher the real reason for Emraan rage.

Ahmad, who is standing behind her remain silent and so is Belinda who is standing beside Emraan. The only sound heard is the sound of them inhaling and exhaling their breath.

Belinda, who remained silent since the confrontation, decided that it's the time for her to make some clarification. The time to put some light on the misunderstanding planted by them has arrived. The plan has failed when Sofi took the ring out of her finger and pass it to her.

Belinda saunter over to Sofi while rubbing her arm. Her mind buzzes, trying to form the right word that she should say. She is not at fault here but indirectly she may cause the ruffle between Emraan and Sofi deepens. Her fist opened revealing the beautiful wedding ring.

"Sofi," Belinda speaks slowly. Her hand grabbed Sofi's and passed the ring back to her, placing it on her palm. "This ring belongs to you" Belinda sighed.

"Afterall, I'm just his cousin who stupidly played along his stupid plan" Belinda explained.

Sofi stepped forward, leaning closer to Belinda with her eyes wide opened, "cousin?" her voice came aloud. Her gaze shifted from Belinda to Emraan who is leaning on the wall. He nodded in agreement, his eyes downcasted.

Belinda nodded, "Yes, cousin. I love him just like an older brother" she shrugged.

Sofi lips twitched at the corner and her eyes scanned the woman in front of her looking for any resemblance. Yes, they do have some resemblance. Right now, more than anger she feels like a fool.

Ahmad turned around, squinting his eye, "So, you thought-, Gosh!" Ahmad grinned, running his hand through his neatly combed blonde hair, before resting on Sofi's shoulder.

"Then, what should I expect.. her fingers ran through his body.. the way they sat intimately together" Sofi snapped. Her eyes glowered to Ahmad with a scowl on her face.

"Oh! You saw that" Emraan retorted. He laugh, but it's not the good laugh, it's more like ugly scorn filled laugh. Her marched towards the place where Sofi and Ahmad standing. As his steps grew closer, his hand balled into a tight fist with a pinched expression on his face.

When he stands face to face with Ahmad, he threw his fist directly on Ahmad nose and shoved him away. Ahmad, who didn't expect the blow, winced in pain, "told you to stay away from her" Emraan voice thundered.

Sofi moves forward, trying to check the effect of the blow to Ahmad. She gasped when she noticed the red liquid oozing out of his nose.

Emraan hand tugged her upper arm pulling her back facing him. Both of them stared at each other with daggers. "You rather care about him more eh?'" Emraan asked sarcastically.

"His hand was all over you too yesterday and even today, what shall I make out from that," Emraan growled.

Belinda, who realizes that the situation in front of her escalated rather quickly, picked Ahmad up.

Belinda nudges Ahmad rib, her head cocked to the left gesturing Ahmad to step away to the side with her. "Did you know about them?" she whispered to Ahmad when he leaned closer to her. He nodded his head but his eyes never leave Sofi.

"She told me a minute ago and I thought that she was joking" Ahmad stated wiping the blood with the handkerchief that Belinda pass to him a while ago.

"Shall we leave them?," Belinda inquired. "Unless, you want to be the innocent victim again as you see, they are like ticking time bomb"

"Yes" Ahmad agreed.

Belinda and Ahmad slowly make their way toward his car and when the engine roared, he waved at Sofi.

"Will they be okay?" Ahmad asks Belinda when the car moves forward leaving Emraan and Sofi.

"They will.. hopefully still with their limb attached together tomorrow" Belinda assured him.

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