Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 (unedited)

The sound of bird chirping outside her room woke her up. Looking out the window, she saw people walking down the street. The sound of bus honking sounds like a bad music to her ear. Two months have passed since he told Emraan about her past.

She packed her bag that day and leaves the comfort of that house. Emraan pleaded but she was so adamant with her decision. Rubbing her shoulder with her hand, she makes her way to the bathroom. She is staying in a studio unit somewhere in Sydney.

She asked a favor from Alana. Alana has a cousin who is living here in Sydney. Bethany is her name. Beth is a very kind lady. She offered Sofi a place to stay and also a job to support her life her. She works as a part time waitress at Beth café. Sofi also helps her with the café account.

Life for Sofi for the last two month was like a picture without colour, colourless and meaningless. She isn't interested in anything, days passed like a haze of fog. Food ddint taste good, every people saw just reminded her of Emraan more and more. Her mind always occupied with the image of Emraan, like a movie trailer. Emraan occupied her dream too with his smile, his laugh. Sofi really missed him. She missed the way he touched her, the way his touch send jolt of electricity down her spine.

Taking out his green shirt from the cupboard, she inhaled his remaining scent that still lingers around the shirt. "Good morning Mr. Hottie".

Walking down to the café only takes five minute. The sound of bell chimes when she opens the door to the café. It is a small café but quite popular with the locals over here. Looking around she found Beth smiling at her.

Beth green eyes winked her. Her red hair tied into a ponytail. Beth has a habit to bite her pencil. Taking away the pencil, Sofi greeted her "Good morning Beth".

"Good morning yourself. Alana called and damn... that woman yelled at me" Beth rolled her eyes.

"Why is she yelling?" curiously Sofi asked. Resting her elbow on the table.

"That Ethan guy...proposed her I think" Beth replied.

Ethan proposed to Alana. That is expected. There is always some kind of tension and attraction between them. Both of them have this hate and love relationship. Without wasting her time, Sofi called Alana from Beth phone.

"Hello woman.. Congratz" Sofi yelled on the phone. Sofi can hear Alana happy voice from the other side narrating her story of Ethan proposing her.

"I said yes" Alana said breathlessly. She was talking nonstop. Happiness evident in her voice. Smiling, Sofi tells her that she is happy for them. Suddenly the line went silence.

"Sofi, he is looking for you. Two of his hotel caught on fire after you left" Alana stated.

Sighing, "Have you told him about me?" Sofi inquired.

"No, me and Aireen promised you remember" Alana gave her promise again.

Rubbing her temple, Sofi speaks, "It's complicated Alana"

Sofi can hear Alana letting out heavy breath, "Hey, are you taking a revenge on me by resigning?" Alana joked.

They talked for a few minutes before ending the call.

"Hey" Beth comes, elbowing her waist. Her eyes motioning a guy sitting at the end table at the front. Straightening herself, Sofi walks to the man. Giving her smile, she asked the man his order.

"A date with you?" the man answered.

The blonde man with blue eyes reminded Sofi of Emraan blue eyes. Shaking her head, Sofi puts her note inside the apron pocket.

"Ahmad, you know the answer" Sofi answered, showing her ring.

"I haven't seen you husband, so you might be cheating" Ahmad irritating her already. He never stops flirting with her since the first day she stepped into the café.

"Ahmad, give me your order or take you ass off from here" Sofi walks away.

"Then, give me one cup cappuccino and your famous chocolate doughnut" he yelled from her back.

After giving his order to the kitchen, sofi takes a doughnut and put it on the plate. Later, she delivers Ahmad's order with a scowl on her face.

"He likes you, you know that?" Beth said tapping her shoulder.

"Not interested Beth" Sofi replied, her finger tapping the cash register keyboard. Flashing her smile, sofi passed the balance to the customer waiting on the line.

Ahmad lifts his cup up, smiling at Sofi. Sofi keeps on working, ignoring Ahmad eyes on her. She felt relieved when he left the café. Lunch time arrives and the café crowded with working people.

"Ahmad left a note for you" Beth said slipping on note to Sofi's hand.

Just one date, 8 pm tonight. I'll pick you up from Beth's Café.

I won't disturb you after this- Ahmad

As soon as Sofi eyes leave the note, she tears the note and throws it into the dustbin.

"Hate me that much eh?" Ahmad speaks behind her.

Turning around, Sofi eyes fixed into Ahmad blue eyes. Folding her arm on her waist, she glared Ahmad.

"Which part of not interested that you don't understand?" Ahmad annoys her right now. Hiding her anger, she smiles to the next customer.

"Just one date, then I won't annoy you anymore" Ahmad said rocking on his heel. Sofi feels like she wants to punch him and wipe away that smile on his face.

Closing her eyes, she agrees to the date just to escape Ahmad future advances.

"Okay, pick me here sharp at 8.. forget the date if you are even 1 minute late" Sofi said pointing her finger at Ahmad.

Smiling, Ahmad waves her goodbye and walks away from the café. Looking around the café, she spots a smiling Beth with her thumbs up.

Second Chance At Love #completedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя