Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 (unedited)

The first brilliant gold and orange ray peeked thru the window, giving a soft glow to the room. Outside, the sun itself was just peeking out of the horizon, its brilliant light already shines brightly, and the air slowly felt warm.

Sofi stirred in her sleep form, snuggling closer to Emraan. Her nose nuzzles his neck and her leg lay on top of his. Emraan arm wraps around her waist, pulling her closer to him. His eyes that were drooping and laden with sleep open slowly, as the morning light poked his eyes, blinding him. Sofi in his embrace feels good; so good that he wants to hold her like this forever. He felt a light tickle at his neck when Sofi rubbed her nose there.

Her chest rise and falls with her steady breath, showing that she is still sleeping. He runs his finger along her curly hair, it is not as silky as he hoped but he loves her like this. She is not perfect, he is the same, and they both have their own flaw. They are human being, bound to have flaw. She was and will be his first love and the last. He kissed her forehead slowly, not to wake her up. He wants to study her more, before she opens her eyes.

"For good, for bad, past and future, I will stand by you, .. we complete each other" he brushed his lip along her temple. Yes, she completes him. He felt like he has found his home with her here, in his embrace.

"Good morning my love" he greeted her when she opens her eyes lazily.

She smiles, and he feels his heart suddenly filled up with something he couldn't decipher. If this is the feeling of love and waking up beside the person that you love, he wants to feel this every morning. He wants to wakes up beside her, in his embrace every morning.

"What is your plan today?" she asked groggily.

"Chasing waterfall," he stated, grinning.

Sofi then sits up, peeling herself away from his embrace. She then drags her feet off the bed and rubs her knuckles onto her sleepy eyes as if chasing the sleep away. Stretching her arm above her arms over her head, she yawns rather loudly.

Emraan chuckled behind her, sitting up on the bed. This is what he loves about her, she won't hide behinds her girly attitude. She is loud, harsh and there is nothing woman like attitude about her, but he still love her.

Sofi turned her head, looking at him with her half closed eyes, "Are we going or not?"

Emraan grinned. His hand stretched forward, grabbing her from back, landing her head on his lap. "We can lay down on the bad whole day, exploring each other if you want."

Sofi eyes widened and sleep left her eyes. She scurried to the bathroom. Stopping her step in front of the bathroom door, she just poked her tongue at him, "Dream on husband"

Hurriedly, Emraan runs towards the bathroom door, he wants to tease his wife a bit longer. She was fast, slammed the door on his face.

"Oh!.. come on, let's shower together" he knocked the door repeatedly.

He can hear her screaming no and joyfully humming a song under the shower.

Two hours later,

The water tumbled down, white streams cascading the rocky outcrops, amid the green of the forested hill. The scenery astounded them. From far it looks like a never-ending curtain flowing down the grey rocks. The tour guide that Emraan hired told them about the waterfall, the history and the name they called it, the Tamarraw Falls. Tamarraw Falls are actually series of smaller waterfalls that combine and make up the larger waterfalls that flows down the mountain in to a refreshing cool pool below.

As they make their way down to the pool below, Sofi reached for Emraan hand. They walked into the pool after paying the fee. Sofi gaze falls on the slippery rocks. One miss placed foot and she will fall into the pool. She digs her fingers into his palm, letting him lead the way. The water looks dirty to her sight as it is green in color but Emraan assured her that it is clean. Later they dipped themselves into the water and it surprised her that the water as Emraan said, clean.

Later, they made their way towards the other waterfall, the Talipanan was a challenging 45 minutes trek for Sofi. She about to give up and settle for the mini waterfall that she saw on her way up, but Emraan keeps on encouraging her. The trail upwards was steep, the rocky rock made it even harder. She almost gave up, but Emraan pushed her harder. Sofi even asked him to carry her behind his back, which he declines.

"The view will be rewarding" he assured her times after times.

The sound of water falling down exited her, and true to his word, the view was like a present for her. She dreaded the walk down later. Right now, she wants to enjoy the enchanted view and refreshing pool.

Their last stop for the day was a tribal village not far from the fall. According to the tour guide, it is a village to a tribe called Irayas. They were greeted by a man with curly hair and dark complexion, that is the chief. The women were seen proudly weaving nito vine into handicraft. Sofi bought one completed handicraft, a small basket.

It was nearly three pm when they finally had their lunch at a stall nearby the villa. Sofi shoulder slumped forward and her legs were aching by the time they reached the villa. This is the first time she felt delighted at the mere sight of her bed. It looks inviting, better than an ice cream. Her eyes drooping, once her head hits the pillow, she surrenders herself to the dreamland.

Emraan, who entered the villa a few minutes later, laughed at the sight of his wife, slumped on the bed. One of her leg dangles down whiles the other one on the bed. She must be exhausted from the hiking. He didn't thought that the trail will be that steep. He can't let tiredness took over his body even every muscle in his body right now is giving up to the gravity. He wants to rest against her warm body, to feel her in his embrace but he has a plan that he should works on now so that it will not fall behind the time he set up.



Sorry for the delay. i got tangled up with my part time job as an accountant.

my eldest son also got a relapse of his astma, so i got to priortize him.. then he got better than it was me who got flu and fever.

so please forgive me.

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