Chapter 76

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Chapter 76 (unedited)

Emraan P.O.V

I have lost the count on how many times I have paced the short corridor and sat down on the chair and stands up again, looking at the operation room. Rayhan looks at me, shaking his head.

"Sit down bro, you'll need the energy later," he said offering the coffe in his hand.

It is only me and Rayhan in the hospital in Ipoh, a state in Perak. Everyone else including Sofi's mother stayed back in our house in Kuala Lumpur. I have told them to wait there, saying that I will come back with Sofi.

How should I deliver the news now? I have found Sofi but her life is in limbo?

"What shall I tell them?" checking the time on my watch. It's already pass 2 a.m in the morning.

Tears rolled down my cheek as my mind repolayed the event of the day. I was ecstatic when I hear her voice. She is safe but even she couldn't tell where Adhan had kept her for almost three days now. One thing she said that I noted was about the train horn and the house where Adhan kept here once belong to Mikayla.

She sounded terrified, pleading me to save her. She believes in me, but I failed her again.

The police took the information that I pass to them and we found out that Mikayla has an ancestral house, located in a small town called Batu Gajah, where she grew up. They suspected that, Adhan has been keeping Sofi somewhere in Batu gajah as early this morning they have been alerted about a dead body found in a dumpster somewhere near a train station.

Upon further investigation, the dead body identified as Mikayla. Her face was beyond recognition. The fingerprint that they got confirmed their suspicion.

The police and me, we thought that we are fast, closing on him as we plan to force him to surrender himself in the evening. We only can plan, but the higher power on us, Allah has a greater plan.

I can still remember the feeling in my heart as the police surrounded the area. Securing both exit, back and front door.

The house was a small, brick house built in a traditional way. It is located in a small village along the old railroad. The next house located about five minutes away, maybe that's the reason nobody lodge a report about suspicious person in this area.

My heart almost jumped out of my heart as the house stood clear in front of my view.

"Sir, you must stay inside the-," the officer couldn't finish his sentence as the house door flew open and there stood Sofi. She was wearing a half torn red dress with blood on her hand and her leg. She smiled, I saw that. All the police stood alert.

Ignoring the officer instruction, I took a step forward only to hear a loud bang. I want to run to her, as her eyes flutter open, half open and half closed. Two police officer stood in front of me, stopping me from running toward her as her body limp, hitting the floor.

"Sofi!," I shouted her name out loud. My attempt to run to her futile, as the officer pushed me back behind, covering me.

Then I saw him, standing stark naked with gun in his hand. He fired another shot. This time I saw he smirked at me while pointing the gun to his own head, firing another shot.

Now, standing, I'm back to my routine, pacing the short corridor in front of the operation Room. Door opens and closes, but still no news on Sofi. My patience running thin as the hours passed by.

"Mum, how could you tell Mikayla about Sofi's plan?," the memory came back to my minds

"She said she wants to apologize to sofi, so I told her. I didn't know that she is with Adhan," mum reasoned.

Yes, my mum leaked the info on Sofi's plan to go out with Alana. Alana also told the officer that the other road was closed for repairing work on that day. It was all well planned. Mum was right about one thing, none of us would suspect Mikayla co-operating with Adhan.

Her love for me and the dream of having me as hers forever pushed her to the edge. Her dark intention was the reason for her to combine hand with Adhan. She has lost her life too.

Waiting here makes my mind wondered to all the sweet memory, I have with Sofi. The happiest day was when we know that Sofi is pregnant. Pregnant? Another question flooded my mind. Our baby, did our baby survive the ordeal?

Rayhan elbowed my rib as he saw the doctors and nurses came out with Sofi pushing her towards the room. They stopped me from entering the room as they say they need to complete few procedures before allowing us in.

When finally we walk in, the doctor was standing at the end of the bed, studying Sofi's report. There are a lot of tubes and lines on her hand connected to a machine.

"How is my wife doctor,"

The doctor cleared his throat as he puts down Sofi's report.

"Take a seat first Mr. Emraan," he said calmly.

My eyes narrowed on me as I took a step forward to him. Rayhan puts his hand on my shoulder, asking me to calm down.

"i just want to know about my wife, not about taking a seat," my knuckles white as my grip on the chair tightened.

The doctor was taken aback with my burst of anger.

"My name is Doctor Kamal," he paused after introducing himself.

"Good news is we managed to take out the bullet that hit her left shoulder. She needs to rest her left hand for weeks for it to heal. The bullet didn't hit any nerve. Right now, we have given her a high dose of painkiller so that she can rest. We also have attended to the bruises and wound and her face, leg and arm too" he continued.

I let out a heavy breath. The bullet didn't hit any important nerve, so Sofi should be okay. My gaze shifted to Sofi bandaged arm and leg. My heart almost cries as my eyes falls on the bruises on her face. The bruises will take time to heal.

"We also have done the rape kit as ordered by the police. The result are negative." He said looking at the report.

I nodded, still looking at Sofi, grabbing her hand.

"But," the color on the doctor face drained as he mumbled something under his breath.

"But," my head snapped, looking into his eyes directly.

Rayhan grip on my shoulder tightens as he wipes away the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand.

"But what?" I roared.

"The blow she received on her stomach was very hard.. Sorry, we couldn't save your baby." Dr. Kamal said as he patted my shoulder before walking out of the ward and closing the door behind him.

The word resounded in my ear as my vision slowly blurred by my own tear.

My gaze then shifted to Sofi. She is sleeping now. I don't know how well she will react to this news. The pain in my heart unbearable. The pain and anguish seeping ou from my heart like a black liquid, engulfing my heart and then slowly covering my body. I was fighting to breath as the doctor word sinks into my mind.

It was hard for me and Sofi to be together, for her to accept happiness. She always say that bad luck always comes behind her happiness. I cant' see the pain in her eyes anymore. Slowly, I took one step backwards before turning my heel.

"Where are you going?, she needs you, you are the first one she want to see," Rayhan stopped me.

"I'll be back," I said fighting the sob back.

"Stay here, I will come back"

My phone rings with Sofi's mother name flashing on the screen. Passing my phone to Rayhan , I walked outside.

I just keep on walking on the ground without any destination or direction. From afar I spotted an empty bench. Anguish, sadness, angry, rage .. every emotion jumbled up inside me.

"Sofi," I cried out her name loud.

Cradling my face in my hand, I keep on calling her name in between my sob, " Sofi, Sofi.. our baby.. our first born..i'm sorry"

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