Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 (unedited)

The past two weeks have been hectic. Compiling the evidence against uncle saddique and Adhan proved rewarding as right now, they are rotting in jail waiting for their trial. It was difficult to get a guilty plea from Adhan. Uncle Siddique was quite easy actually, the old man pleaded guilty instantly after I made a deal with him.

He was indebted to few loan sharks, which already threaten to kidnap his only daughter, Qaleesha. My deal was, if he pleaded guilty and confessed all his wrongdoing and the truth about Adhan involvement in my hotel fire incident, I would pay all his debt. His total debt nearly amounted to 1 million, which is a huge amount. Other than that, I also offered him a monthly allowance of ten thousand once he closes his non-profitable business. Finally, I made a promise that I will care his daughter like my sister. After signing the deal, truth flowed out of his mouth like water.

Nevertheless, my heart jittered at something he said, "It not me you should worry about. I did add the fuel to the fire but the fire is already there and mind you, Adhan is the fire that you can't ignore".

Now, I am on my way to Sydney, Australia. Danny got a tip that Sofi is there in Sydney working in a café. Alana is quite careful all these while. I almost believed that she really have no news on Sofi's whereabouts. She slipped the info today in her excitement when she called Sydney.

Sofi will be with me in a few hours more. I missed her so much that I always sleep in her room for the past two month. My time in the house spent either in her room or in her office. This time, I will make sure she will not run away again. I will make sure she believes in my love and our relationship. The whole plan already laid out in my mind.

I will surprise her tomorrow morning by going to the café she is working. I can't wait to see her reaction tomorrow. Let her breath in her freedom today because starting tomorrow, she will breathe the same air as I am.

By the time the plane touches down on Sydney soil, it is already 5 pm. The last time I came here was during my honeymoon that ended with a bitter note. Glancing around, I saw a black BMW waiting for me at the tarmac. The hotel management that I'm staying sends the car as a thank you gesture. Sameer came down with me from the plane carrying my bags with him.

After checking in and feeling refreshed after a few hours of sleep, I decided to have dinner at one of my friend's restaurant here, the Red Palace.

Guess whom I met there? I met Sofi, my dear wife walking hand in hand with my friend, Ahmad. That man known with his charm and sweet way with women. I can't peel my eyes away when Ahmad touches her shoulder, introducing her as his date. Sofi face paled when she saw me.

Sameer who understands me well instructed the driver to follow Ahmad's car and he manage to locate her apartment.

"Yes, sir. I have located her" that all I need to hear from Sameer.

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