Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 (unedited)

Sofi p.o.v

Ethan's birthday party held in a hall. Red and blue light beams shooting from the light from the ceiling. The hall beamed with light. If not for Ethan, I won't attend this party. The only reason I agreed attending his birthday party is because he promised that he will serve halal food. The loud music deafening my ear.

Looking around the hall, She exchanges smiles with few familiar faces. Ethan invited a pot of people. Some of it is our loyal client. They will come to her and strike a small conversation. At the end of the hall, her eyes met with Aireen. Aireen waves her. She is dancing with Alana. Laughing and giggling like small child. She already calling me on the dance floor twice which I declined. Aireen scrunched her nose and put an L sign on her forehead and mouthed loser.

Turning around I found myself face to face with Ethan.

"Happy Birthday to you" I wished him, shaking his hand.

Chucking the beer, and putting down the glass on the table he hugged me.

"Thank you" he said.

"Where is your glass?" he asked seeing my empty hand. Shaking his head he walks towards the bar and take a can of coke.

"Drinks this" he offered me the coke.

Popping the can, my eyes darted to Aireen, she is leaving the dance floor and walking towards me. She took the can and gulped it down her throat. When she passes me back, the can was half empty. She is still persuading me to join her on the dance floor. I declined again. Hurriedly she ran back to the dancing floor, jumping with Alana. Those two girls really are enjoying this party.

"Hey, If you dress to kill someone today, you mission accomplished" Ethan compliments.

"Yes, I can see two men outside there lying dead" jokingly I said. Ethan look at me with his eye wide open.

"Anyway, my husband bought this" I said twirling the black lacy floor length dress.

"Talking about your husband, where is he?" Ethan asked looking around trying to find Emraan.

"He is not here; he was still sleeping when I left the house"

Emraan was still sleeping when I entered his room. His feet were still covered in sock and he lay on his stomach. peeling the sock off his feet, I left a note with the hall address on the side table.

"Hey, so next week you won't be coming to office anymore?" Ethan asked

I nod.

It was part of the term. Emraan already prepared a room to be turned into an office in the new house. Next week, I'll be working from home. But, I can't go against my promise now.

"Missing you already, anyway I need to leave, I need to entertain another guest" Ethan said walking away, leaving me alone.

I waved through the crowd towards the makeshift bar located at the end of the hall.

"A glass of orange juice please" I ordered to a man behind the bar.

He nods a puts a glass filled with orange juice on the table.

Drinking the juice slowly, my eyes look around, looking for Aireen.

"Why is such a beautiful girl like you alone here?"

A man with brown hair and green eyes stands beside me. I can smell alcohol coming from his breath as he speaks.

"Because she is waiting for her husband coming back from toilet" Emraan suddenly appear from nowhere and slides his hand on my back. His face hardened. Eyes narrowing on that guy.

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