chapter 13

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Chapter 13 (unedited)

Sofi p.o.v

I am left alone alone in this house to think. This penthouse somehow look alike the one I stayed in Langkawi Island. The difference is only the color of the walls. Being alone in this big house is really killing me. Finally I decided to turn the television on only to regret it later.

My face, Emraan's and also Adhan is on the news all over the channel. They call me the new flavor, likewise Emraan is also call fiancé snatcher. My hand on my mouth. ALLAH.. Both our name are ruined to ashes.

Finally, I decided that I need to calm down my nerves, soul and emotion. The only way is to pray and recite the Holy Quran. I walk slowly to my room to pray the zuhr prayer and also recite few verses of the Holy Quran before coming into any decision.

After praying and about an about thirty minutes of reading the holy Quran I feel a little bit calmer. Then I decided to write a letter to Emraan. Sliding the letter into a white envelope and I sealed it.

With the letter in my hand, I walk towards the front door. I saw Danny outside.

"Danny" I called him

"Yes Ms. Sofi" he said with reverence

"Can you pass this letter to Mr. Emraan. It is very personal Danny. And lastly, can you call my mum and sister inside. It's killing me to be alone in"

Danny chuckled and nod.

I went inside the house and sit on the couch. Not long later my mum and Aireen come in. All 3 of us looked at each other before giving group hug. Sitting down on the couch, I take my mum's hand and caress it. Rubbing it with my hand and kissing it.

"Mum, I agree to the engagement and marriage but I have my own term that he must agree first" I said calmly.

I can see my mum smile from the corner or my eyes.

"If he doesn't agree on the term, then I will not agree on anything," I continued.

Aireen stands up from her seat and hug me while jumping like a small girl.

"I'm so happy Sofi" she squealed excitedly.

With tears welling on her eyes, my mum kissed my cheek and hugs me tightly while speaking

"You made a wise decision darling, I am very thankful and proud that you are my daughter" she said with a heavy breath.

"Sofi, it is better if you tell him about our past, your past... before the press or whoever digs into your past" she whispered into my ear.

I looked at my mum wide eyed.

"No, mum..." I pleaded

"You must, he is doing this to protect you, believe me. You have to do the same to protect him" She said

Nobody.. nobody knows my past, dark past. My sister, Aireen doesn't know about it too. She only knows only half the truth.

"I will think about it mum"

The three of us startled by the knock on the door.

"It's me, Danny. "

"Come in" i said.

He is carrying some plastic bag inside.

"Lunch for all of you, courtesy of Mr. Emraan" he said smiling.

I nod.

After putting the bags on the dining table. Danny walks toward the area where all three of us are waiting.

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