Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 (unedited)

Sofi P.O.V

The rustling and buzzing sound of people moving in thing inside the house echoes throughout the living hall. A maid is changing the curtains in the living room and another is changing the curtains in the room. Emraan hired cleaners to clean the whole house two days before. So, the house looks clean. She stands like an idiot looking at the people moving around. The moving person puts the boxes into respective room and starts unpacking the boxes such as the kitchen boxes.

"That's mine, I will take it upstairs later" I told the man when I saw him picking up my boxes. I'll unpack it later by myself. Aireen helps me taking the boxes to my room. Emraan?. He is lost somewhere in the house.

Danny helps me picking up and takes the books boxes into my office cum library. The last owner really did a good job renovating this house. It doesn't need any touch up and new renovation for time being. Pushing the door open, my jaw dropped the floor. Emraan refurbished this room. The last time we came, it didn't look this awesome. The walls covered with grey wallpaper. A new working wooden table waiting for me at the corner with a high chair. Putting down the boxes, Danny excuses himself. My eyes studied the room thoroughly. A white bookcase and a metal file cabinet stood beside the table. I remembered that this room has loads of book cases, but right only left a few of it. A couch and a table adorned the other corner. There is even a coffeemaker in the room. Looking up the wall, I saw a flat screen fixed to it.

I was overwhelmed by the change that I didn't see Emraan walks in the room and Aireen left me.

"Like what you see?" he asked me startling me.

"Like?, heck no, I love it" My eyes still looking around the room. My fingers trail the edge of the working table. I took the new furniture smell in. Two strong arms lifts me and spins around. My arms on his shoulders stabilizing myself. Giggling, I requested him to put me down as I felt dizzy. The room spins around me. Putting me down, I lands my palm on the table.

"What's that for" I enquired looking at him.

"Because it makes me happy knowing that you love this room" he responded.

He leaned closer, his breath fanning my face. His arm lightly touching my arm sending goosebumps all over my body. My gaze falls on our joined fingers. Looking up, I see his face inches away from me. His face illuminated by the sunlight peeking through the window. Leaning forward, our lips brushes against each other. Lowering his head, his hand drifts to my back. Pulling me closer to him. Tightening my arm around his neck, I deepens the kiss. Hearing him moaning my name broke the magic.

My hand falls on my side and looked at him with my eyes wide open. The kiss was real. My lips are still swollen by his kiss. My eyes fall on the floor. He calls my name slowly. His finger touching my chin. Trying to lift it up. Pushing his fingers away, I run towards my room and lock it behind me. Emraan stands frozen.

I felt like I'm floating around the room. My body is here but my soul is there, with him in the room. My heart beats erratically. Hammering in my chest. Clutching my clothes, I sit on the floor. My back rested on the door. Goosebumps breaking out on my skin. My hand covering my face.

What did I do? I kissed him!

Soft knock on the door makes my heart beats faster.

"Sofi, it's me" Emraan voice from the other side of the door.

Calming my heart and nerves, I gulped.

After a few moment, I unlock the door. Opening it half, hiding my body behind the door. Only to look at a calm Emraan. With his hand, he pushes the door open fully. Closing the door behind him, he pins me to the wall. His hand holding my hand.

"Look at me, Sofi" he speaks to me softly. He pleaded.

"No Em, leave me please" I begged him.

The last time we kissed, he initiates it. But today, I did. My lips kiss him first. I was not ashamed of it. But there is a weird feeling tugging my heart. Squeezing it together. Almost leaving me breathless. I never felt like this with Adhan. This is something new to me. I let the feeling overwhelmed me and then the kiss happened.

His fingers lifted my chin. Tears rolled on my cheek. Our eyes locked for a moment. I saw something flickered in his eyes. Adoration and affections. Wiping away the tears with his thumb, he smiles. His gaze falls on the thumb.

"Sweet cupcake, what are these tears for? Shame? Scared?" the tip of his nose touches mine.

"No, and I don't know" my palm flats on his chest and pushes him away. He took a step backwards, releasing me. I let out a heavy breath that I've been holding. His hand catches mine when I walk away from him. Looking over my shoulder, I can only see his back facing me.

"I know why you cry" he paused

"I've known yesterday what this feeling in my chest is" he continued, leaving my hand.

"Your kiss confirmed the feeling" he stated.

His hand tucked inside his pocket and he take a deep breath and exhale it out.

"You got to surrender yourself to the feeling, and then you'll be free"

Turning myself, i tried to open my mouth and close it back.

"I had to leave now, the Langkawi Hotel is having some problem.. I hate leaving you like this, but I have to go" he said leaving me.

I am left shocked in the room. His word replayed in my mind

What feeling is he talking about? Why doesn't he explain it to me?

Hurriedly I ran downstairs. I got to catch him before he leaves. Aireen, Rose and Danny looks at me like they just saw a ghost. I have no time to explain to them. Yanking the front door open, sprinting to the driveway, where Emraan car parked.

He must explain to me before he goes. He must release me from this bittersweet ache in my heart.

I'm late. He already left. I can only see the back of his car leaving the gate.

Slowly, I moped into the house feeling lifeless. Climbing up the stair, I can hear Aireen calling out my name. Once I entered my room, I locked it. Slumping down on the floor, I cried my heart out. My heart wept.

Is this weird pulling in my heart is love? If it is, then I've never fall in love with Adhan. Someone, please answer me. Wiping the tears away, I made a decision. The next time we meet Emraan, I will let you know my darkest secret. 

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