Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Flashback to Sofi's childhood

Mr. Edris, Sofi's father known famously for his kind and loving nature in his neighborhood. He loves his family too much. Sofi, the eldest daughter was his favorite child.

Other than that, he is a hardworking employee. Looking at his good record, his employer decided to send him to London. He will be attending training for six month. After the period, He will be given a managerial post.

Edris decided to reject the offer but Zarinah, his wife makes him understand that that opportunity can't be wasted. He never parted from his family this long. Those six long months was hard for Zarinah too, she has to take care of her daughter, Sofi and Aireen.

The first month, Zarinah receives letter from her husband weekly. It changed in the latter month. The letter comes every fortnightly. She never receive any letter after the fifth month. Lucky for her, she works at a kindergarten near her house. Her salary was small but she can manage it.

When Edris came back, he changed. He is not the same person. He rarely in the house. Those were the days when the girls jumping with joy when he get back home after work. He turned into this grumpy man. No more gift or sweets for the girls, only scowls and hard glares.

At first, Zarinah thought that the tension with his work caused that. One day, his boss, Alex comes to the house. He was looking for Edris.

The truth of her husband brings her world down. Her husband has been missing from work. He always gives excuses, telling his boss that the girl is sick. Sometime it is Sofi and the other time is Aireen.

"No sir, our daughters are perfectly fine. He is not in the house too. He left for work this morning" Zarinah said.

Shaking his head, Mr. Alex apologizes, because he thinks this time one of the girl fell sick again. Her husband is not at the office that day. Hence he came by to visit the girls.

Zarinah waited for her husband that day. She was still awake when her husband reaches home. The girls were sleeping.

"Where were you" Zarinah asked seethed with anger.

"Work you fool, where else" Edris answered. He never calls her like that. There is always sweet word for her from her husband. But not today.

"Mr. Alex came just now, visiting our sick daughter" Zarinah said glaring at her husband.

Colors drained from his face. His half shut eyes opens wide.

"Ohh! He came."

The once paled face Edris now hardened.

"Why did he come?, you filthy woman, you sleep with him right?"

"What?" Zarinah yelled.

Angryly Edris yanked Zarinah hair, pulls her up and throws her on the floor.

That was the first but was never the last.

Two months later, Mr. Alex fired Edris because of misconduct. Mr. Alex then told Zarinah the truth about her husband while he attended the training in London. At first, he was homesick. Then, a friend of him introduces him London's nightlife. Wine and woman becomes his obsession and later drug joined in. he left the woman but not the alcohols and the drug.

Zarinah stayed with him. Thinking that one day, he will change. Being unemployed angered him more. He starts to abuse Sofi. Stubbing cigar ash, kicking, punching was like a normal thing for her and Sofi. Stealing added the misery. Edris kicked and punched her to get the money

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