"Who are 'prongs' and 'wormtail'?" Fudge asks.

"Please don't make me say it" I mumble, my voice just above a whisper, borderline on a whimper.

"Prongs is James, wormtail is Peter" I hear the love of my life call from behind me.

"Thank you, Remus" Fudge says.

"Mr. Black, what is Mr. Pettigrews animagus?" He asks

"A rat. And my last name is not black" I say, a bit annoyed. I told him my name, he sure as hell should use it.

"Yes, very sorry mr lupin. If we could get your consent to look over your memory, of the night, that would be great. It will take no longer than let's say, ninety minutes?" Fudge says.

"I consent" I say. The two Aurors come back and untie my hands, leading me out into the Hall. They lead me to a cozy room with Royal Blue walls, a desk with a chair, and a small cot. I sit down in the chair and lay my head in one of my hands. My thoughts drift to Remus, his soft smiles and gentle hands. Those amber eyes, his soft, light brown hair. The scars that he hates, that I know exactly where every one is. I can trace them under his shirt.

The door opens, breaking me out of my trance. Albus Dumbledore is standing there. Remus is standing beside him, his head down.

"Sirius, I believe this young man would like to see you" Dumbledore says, walking out.

"Remus," I breathe, standing up. Remus looks up, actually down at me. I make the first move, laying my hand gently against his cheek.

"Hey, baby" I whisper.

"Hi," Remus whispers back. After a few moments of silence Remus wraps his arms around me. I wrap mine around his waist, laying my head against his chest.

"I missed you so much," Remus whimpers, I can hear the tears in his voice.

"I missed you too, don't cry, sweetheart" I coo. I guide Remus over to the bed, sitting us both down. I pull back slightly and frame remus' face in my hands.

"Remus, baby you look like you haven't slept in days" I say, concerned.

"I really don't think I've slept since I heard Dumbledore got you a trial. I was too excited, and nervous. And it's still hard for me to sleep with out you" Remus explains. I lean up and place a small kiss on his forehead.

"Lay down, get a little sleep, okay?" I say softly, laying down. Remus lays behind me, burying his nose in my neck. His arms protectively wrap around my waist. I rub patterns on his arm absentmindedly. I hear his breath even, he's out like a light. I lay my head backwards against his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. Books, chocolate, the woods, wild wolf, mint.

A while later the door opens again. Dumbledore walks through, closing the door behind him. I bring my finger to to my lips, gesturing to the sleeping Remus behind me.

"Sirius, I would like to talk to you about something" Albus says quietly, sitting down.

"I actually have something to ask you. How's Harry?" I ask.

"He's with his aunt and uncle"

"What?!" I whisper shout, trying my hardest not to wake Remus. He stirs and snuggles closer to me, but says asleep.

"It was the safest option, Sirius"

"When I get out of here, what will it take for Remus and I to get him? I know petunia won't treat him right" I say.

"When you get out of here, you'll have to make up a room for Harry and get some things, after that you can come to my office and we'll get some paperwork for Harry to be your legal adopted son" Dumbledore says, that familiar twinkle in his eye.

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