Chapter 1

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 14 October with the hospital of Namimori:

POV 3rd person

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sawada!! You have twins in perfect health. It's a boy and a girl!" Declared Doctor Yamasaki, he passes the two babies one crying and the other smiles at them. They take the older who cries and leaves the youngest in his arms.

"How can they forget that they have another child!! " Think furiously the doctor.

"Come on don't cry anymore mama is here. Kyaa!! He is too cute, don't you think Honey, Ieyasu?" She says, looking at her husband and son. "I will call you Nobuyoshi." She names smiling to her baby in her arms.

"Of course that he is cute, is our son after all and Nobuyoshi is a beautiful name!!

Ieyasu (Giotto) POV

"He is too cute, don't think Honey, Ieyasu?" Oka-san said, I smile but I look immediately towards the angry doctor who carries my little sister.

"Okaasan and Otousan did not see the other baby? "

"Excuse me but you forget your daughter if you do not want her please sign the paper." Declare the doctor frowning his eyes really angry.

"Oh!!" Says okaasan a little surprised but it was forced for me.

"We take it." Say otou-san indifferent, "It will be called Tsunayoshi!" Declared otousan with a weird look.

"Otou-san has a strange look he seems to think of something else, and why do you give her a boy's name? I've never seen otousan like this before and I don't like that." I thought, looking at my father.

"Ne Otousan can have my imouto?" I say before Otousan takes her in his arms.

"Of course you can!" Smiled otou-san.

The doctor passed my imouto in my arms, and as soon as I had her, she looked at me and smiled at me, captivated by her smile. I make the promise to always protect her.

Iemitsu POV

"Excuse me, but you have forgotten your daughter if you do not want her please sign the paper. " The doctor said with an angry air, I look to the baby in his arms

"A girl!! She looks so weak. Moreover, I don't feel any flames in her. She is not worth anything to us. A disgrace to our bloodline!! Its only uses to us is it will be a boy to protect and serve my sons!" I thought about trying to take it in my arms.

"We take it," I said, Nana glared coldly at me and at it would say 'we don't need this thing' I looked at her and whispered. 'I will explain to you later' "You will be called Tsunayoshi!" I was going to take it in my arms when I heard my Ieyasu saying hold out his arms. "Ne otousan can have my imouto?"

"Of course you can!" I smiled as he held it in his arms and his blue eyes brightened into orange. "Sky flame and a powerful one, I must tell this to Nono!" I thought smirking to myself feeling my dreams will come true, I have just to make some arrangements.

When we get home I explain to Nana why we keep the girl away from the ears of Ieyasu, when I finished explaining she agrees reluctantly to this and she would train it too to become an accomplished and obedient woman. Having finished discussing Ieyasu comes to us while saying. "I am too glad to have a cute little sister and a brother!!"

I and Nana look at each other and smile happily at him. "Glad that you're happy with your little brother." We sing Nana and I, happy to have two beautiful children.


FIRST CHAPTER DONE!! A bit short but done! Thank to tell me if the story is good or if there is something to change. 

Thank to read it, 


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