Chapter 7

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Kelley's POV:

Raped... the one thing that I though would never happen to me, no girl thinks it will happen to them...

To make matters worse for my situation I hadn't been on the pill which to This damn crack head was a positive because he didn't use protection....

After the attack I just curled up crying along the alleyway trying to comprehend what just happened, I kept saying to myself "why me, why me god?! What happens if I become pregnant?! This rape lasted 10 minutes, and now I could have been impregnated by some crack head from the street!"

After about another 15 minutes of just being curled up in the alley way someone was walking by and saw me, this lady ran up to me, I could hear me say "miss? Are you ok? Do you need a ambulance?" And call I could do was lift up my limp arm with my phone on hand and whisper "call my wife Alex Morgan." And I see this lady taking the phone and figuring out which phone number to call.

I feel violated, I feel that I disowned Alex. Now I just think to myself "what would have happened if I never started walking down the street? What if I just stayed inside with Alex, Becky & Carli?"

During all of this I hear the ambulance coming toward my direction and the lady who found me saying they everything will be ok, but I really do wish everything would be but I already know that isn't true.

From this point on me and Alex's life are going to change drastically for good and bad. The media will be pushing for more questions once the news breaks a USWNT star and NWSL player was found beaten and raped in a alleyway. Reporters will be questioning me more then ever and I know that for a fact.

Do you want to know why? Well let me Kelley Maureen O'hara put it into a brief explanation.... in college I was attacked before, ya my luck... I became pregnant after that but I ended up giving the child up for adoption because I knew I couldn't handle a child at this point in my life, she would be 16 now, her name is Madison Maureen Stevenson, Alex has no idea about her because I've tried to hide it from the media, but somehow someone leaked it, luckily Alex hasn't found out.

But here's the issue after having Madison, she is now looking for me, her parents gave her my name and told her I play professional soccer. This why I've been so distant with Alex, I'm not sure if I should stop hiding from my daughter and meet her.

I'm still trying to also figure out if I should tell Alex, I'm so worried she will want to end the marriage and then my teammates will want to kill me after they said If I do anything to her I'm dead. Also the crazy part is that Madison had actually found my number just last week and has tried to contact me.

I broke down after I heard her voicemail. It said "hi mom, it Madison your daughter, I've been looking for you for a over a year now and I just came across your social media because you play professional soccer. I hope you remember me, I want you to know that I would really love to meet you, I'm not mad at you for giving me up for adoption, my parents actually want me to go live with you because they want me to get to know my mom. I know you are married now to Alex Morgan, please contact Jeff and Alison, both want you to come to Seattle to meet me. They would love for us to be together, I understand this is all a large amount of information. I hope to meet you soon mom, I love you"

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