Chapter 20

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Even though today is a Sunday and I usually take this day and Monday as off days, I decided to write, enjoy!

Sophia is 3 months now :)

Alex's POV:

Who knew a baby could be so cute that the sports news world would want her picture whenever they had the chance

Sophia's pictures from when we went to the national team game went all over the internet over night.

Over night Sophia was the center of people's attention, maybe it was because she looked a lot like me and Kelley or just the media loves when babies are born into soccer families.

Also the media could not stop looking at her because of the eyes and hair, perfect combo with the dirty brown/blonde hair and those beautiful blue eyes.

"They babe looks whose up from her nap" Kelley says while walking into the living room with a energetic Sophia in her arms.

"Did Miss Sophia have a good nap today?!" I say in a childish voice to Sophia

Sophia then starts throwing her arms up and down in excitement with a huge smile on her face.

"Well I guess that's a yes from the baby" Kelley says while putting her in the basinet next to the couch.

"Yep, can you believe how many pictures of her are already on the internet? Luckily they can't get into the neighborhood" I say

Kelley looks up from eating some yogurt and says "Hmmhm, I don't need those people camping outside the house trying to get pictures of her"

And I just nod in agreement.

For the rest of the day we decided to stay home, Carli said she was going tv stop by later because Sky blue was going to be playing against the Utah Royals.

Kelley decided to start playing again with Utah since Sophia's was a bit older and since I've been able to handle her by myself

As Kelley was getting her bag ready to leave she kept asking if I was going to be ok at the game by myself with Sophia

"Are you sure You will be ok?" Kelley says

As she says this the door bell rings which is more than likely Carli stopping by

"Yes Kelley, we will be fine, this is just like when you went to camp while I pregnant, nothing happened. We will see you after the game" I say while holding a sleeping Sophia in my arms walking to get the door

"Hey Carli, come on in" I say

"How's my little god daughter doing today" she says while brushing her hand through her hair

"She's doing good, sleeping most of the time but other than that she's been great" I say while leasing her to the kitchen

"That's great because I got her something from New Jersey before the team left to Utah

Carli pulls a small Sky blue Jersey out of bag with the last name Lloyd on the back with all the players signatures on it

"Aww, thank you Carli, you didn't have to that, you are so thoughtful" I say while holding on to the Jersey with my free hand

Kelley walks into the kitchen

"Hey Carli, long time no see, what am I hearing about a jersey?" She says

"Carli here for Sophia a Sky blue jersey  with all the players signatures" I say

"That's something we will have to frame in her room, thank you Carli. I have to heave right now to the stadium, I'll see you later Carli" Kelley says before walking out the door

"I actually have to leave also, see you two at the game" Carli says before leaving

"Ok, see you at the game" I wave before she heads out

"Well Sophia I guess we should probably pick a outfit out for the game shall we?"

Sophia smiles while sleeping

I walk up to the stairs to Sophia's room and lay her on the changing table

"Man Sophia you have more jerseys then me and momma, let's have you wear momma's jersey tonight" I say

I pull out Kelley's yellow jersey from the dresser

For the game Sophia wears Kelley's Jersey with a yellow headband, black leggings and some white under armour shoes that under armour had sent us as a congratulations gift for the birth of Sophia and some other clothing items.

"Well aren't you cute sweetheart" I say

At about 6:00 I decided to head over the stadium, luckily for us we loved relatively close to the stadium 

25 minutes later

I got to the stadium about a hour before kick off so that gave me time to go see Kelley and the team, most of the security here knew me very well so it wasn't a problem letting me onto the field

"Oh hey Alex, haven't seen you in a while, how's your daughter doing?" Says a male security guard near the field entrance

"Sophia doing great,she's actually awake right now" I say before lifting the cover over her car seat so he could see her

"3 months right?" He says before opening the door

"Yep, she's a very quite baby that's for sure, thank you" I say before lifting Sophia's car seat with my free arm down the field

"No problem, enjoy the game"

After entering the field both the Utah players and sky blue players came over to me to say hi to me and the baby

"I've been waiting to meet this little one" Erika says while waving at Sophia in her car seat

"Are you having your next kid if you guys end up having more?" Shea says

"funny question, actually KO is in a few years" I say

"Wait a pregnant Kelley in a few years? Katie says

"Ayy KO, when we're you going to tell us you we're having the text baby in a few years" Taylor says while throwing a soccer ball a Kelley to get her attention

"First off don't throw stuff at me and secondly, I wasn't going to say anything till me and Alex we're planning on having another baby, so I wasn't hiding anything from you guys, let's go we have to go line up, bye babe and see you in a bit Soph" Kelley says after kissing me and Soph on the cheek

During the game

For almost the whole game it was tied 0-0, in the 71st minute Utah got a goal off a penalty kick from a tackle in the box. 1-0 Utah

In the 85th minute Sky blue came back with more pressure, Sky blue was given a free kick just outside the box, somehow the kick made it into the goal after players from both team kept kicking the ball trying to get rid of it or get it in the box.

After the late Sky blue goal the game ended in a 1-1 tie, good game from both teams.

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