Chapter 31

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Carli's POV:

It was the end of camp and we we're headed back home, Brian had finished Sophia's room while we're gone but decided to keep it a secret till we got back.

As we we're headed out of the hotel we stopped at the doors inside the hotel before going to the car to head to the airport, I knew paparazzi was wanting to follow us and try to get pictures of the only thing they wanted... Sophia... I understand that the media hasn't seen her in a few months as babies grow, but I'm respecting Alex and Kelley's families wishes.

"Ok Sophia, put this on and put your head down ok, I'll be holding you but you need to not look at the people with the cameras ok?"

Sophia was just sleepy and nodded before resting her head on my shoulder

"Here goes nothing..."

Before we could even make it to the car I could see people running from down the street hollering my name.

Luckily our driver let us just hurry in the car because of all the photographers.

"Just get in, I'll get the luggage's" Luis says

"Thank you" I say

Before we knew it we had photographers trying to see if they could see us in the car

Thank you tinted windows.

All this took 30 minutes but we we're off.

"So sorry for that Mrs. is your child ok?" Luis says while driving

"She's fine, she is just sleeping" I say kindly

1 hour later

"Thank you for the ride" I say

"No problem" Luis says

"Let me help you with your luggage's"

After this and checking in luggage's we headed through security

Sophia was awake now and though it would be ok to run around people to the line

"Sophia! Stop runn-" I say frantically and before I knew it she ran into a a girl from behind and fell.

Never have I heard this kid scream so loud in my life....

The girl turned around with a look of worry

"I'm so sorry! Is she ok?" While kneeling to the ground with Sophia still screaming

"Oh that was wasn't your fault, she just doesn't pay attention to where she is going" I say while rubbing Sophia back

The lady took off her backpack and took something out

"Here, Maybe this will help, I just can't back from a trip from Hawaii"

She hands me a little bear with a blue on it that says Hawaii in white

"Ohh you don't-"

"It's nothing, I got a few more in my luggage"

"Thank you, I'll give it to her on our flight" before heading through security

Back in New Jersey

Sophia was energetic as ever after falling asleep on the flight

"Come on Sophia let's go see daddy, he's waiting for us" while holding on to Sophia's hand and getting off the flight

Sophia looks up at me with a questionable look

"Daddy?" She says curiously

"Oh I mean-"

"Momma & mommy?" She says with joy

"No Soph, they aren't here sweetie"

After that you could just see the sadness in her eyes and it broke my heart

"Hey babe, how was camp?" Brian says before kissing me

"It went well, Sophia here behaved and I think you owe her a treat" I say laughing

"Oh is that true Sophia? Did you do what auntie Carli said?"

Sophia nods while a huge smile on her face

"Well that's good because I have surprise for you at the house!" Brian say before picking up Sophia with a few luggage's


We got home in little over 2 hours due to traffic but Brian couldn't wait to show Sophia her room.

"Ok babe before I show the room, I know we wanted to replicate her old room but I decided to change it up just a bit

"Brian what did you do... I told you that-"

"Surprise!" Brian says with Sophia on his hip

The room was painted grey with soccer memorabilia of Alex and Kelley hanging all over the room, two jerseys of Alex and Kelley we're hung up on the wall.

Some family pictures of Alex, Kelley and Sophia we're on the dresser

"You did all of this?" I said emotionally

"Look in the closet, I called a few people and made some stuff happen" Brian says

I walk over to the closet and open it to find that Brian went out and bought Sophia new clothes and somehow got jerseys from teammates.

Sophia had grown out of almost her all her clothes and I didn't have time to go shopping.

"You didn't have to do all this babe" I turn around and say

"Anything for you two, you deserve it for all the you do for Sophia"

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