Chapter 4

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Kelley's POV:
I'm sitting on the balcony as the night falls, the feeling of the night breeze feels great, I still think back to what Carli had told me a few days ago... I still feel I'm not fit to be a parent, what happens if the kid doesn't like me? For the past 4 weeks I've been distant from Alex, I've tried and tried to be helpful but to me it just seems I'm not doing good enough.

I look up to the moon and say "I know god you have blessed us with another addition to our family, I know that Alex has been struggling with the sickness and not being able to workout to be pre-cautious, all I ask is that we both have a smooth pregnancy with no issues along the way, I want what's best for our family so please let our family and both our families enjoy this pregnancy instead of stressing"

I look through the balcony door and see Alex and Quinn sleeping on the bed, all I can do is just smile and get a little teary eyed because in just 9 months we will have a beautiful little baby with us to complete our family for now. But that was short lived because right when I was about to head to  bed my phone started ringing and I saw it was Alex's sister calling me, and all I can think of is "why is Alex's sister calling me in the middle of the night?", I answer the phone and hear Jeri kinda panicking

Kelley: Hello?

Jeri: oh thank god! I been trying to call Alex for the past hour!

Kelley: why? She's sleeping, what's wrong?

Jeri: *deep breathe* Servando is looking for Alex, he found out she's pregnant and he thinks it's his, he called me a few hours ago and I tried to explain to him that it was from IVF but he wouldn't listen. I know for a fact that you know how crazy he can't get... please make sure you watch out for Alex, this stays between us because me and you don't need her stressing during  this pregnancy.

Kelley: wait what?! Jeri, are you serious? Who told him about the baby! We haven't even told anyone

Jeri: I don't know, all I know is that he found out from social media and now is trying to find Alex, luckily he doesn't know you two are in Utah

Kelley: this has to be some kind of joke, I'm over here stressing enough about this baby and now you are telling me-
*Alex walks over*

"Babe? What's wrong? Why are you screaming? It's almost 10:30"

Kelley: I'll call you back *hangs up phone*

I remember what Jeri told me and try my best not to lie to Alex and say "nothing babe, don't worry, I got everything under control, I don't need you worrying at all" and she just gives me a "do I look like I care" look and then says "I'm not leaving from This doorway still you tell what the hell is going on" and now I'm just rubbing my forehead debating if I should tell her and then I say "fine, Servando found out about the baby and is looking for you because he thinks it's his, Jeri Just called me and told me" and Alex's eye just shoot open and screams at me"WHAT!!! What do you mean Servando is looking for me?! Why didn't you wake me up and tell me?!" And now I'm trying to calm her down before she wakes the neighbors up and walk her into our bedroom and I start to say "look Jeri was trying to call you babe for the last hour and you we're sleeping so she called me, she said not to tell you so you wouldn't be stressed during the pregnancy but now that you know I need you to not go nuts, you are pregnant and we don't need anything to happen to the baby" and now Alex just throws her hands up in annoyance and says "fine, but we are buying a better security system, because I need to feel safe in this house if Servando's crazy ass is looking for me"

One more chapter for the day :) the next chapter will be up later today

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