Chapter 21

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Kelley's POV:

Our sweet daughter is 5 months now and it's been one awesome journey with her.

Sophia's personality is really coming out now, she's a little jokester that's for sure.

She loves to grab our nose and try to pull it off, the giggles make our heart burst.

Alex says she acts more like me but looks like her, which I second also.

"Soon this little one will be walking" Alex says with Sophia in her arms

I get to Sophia level and say "Just a few more months right little Sophia? Soon you'll be kicking the ball with us on field, and your aunties will be wanting you to play the same position as them"

"She is not going to be a goalkeeper, that's final" Alex says while picking up a wash cloth to clean Sophia's face

"Dang, so Alyssa won't get to play with her in a few years on the field?" I say in disappointment

Alex looks up from cleaning Sophia's and says "I'd rather her play the same position as me"

"Huh? That's more dangerous then being a goal- we'll actually they have the same injury rate, but still what if she wants to play goalkeeper in a small league when's she's maybe 5" I say

Alex walks over to the fridge for some bottle for Sophia's and says "I'm not going to change my mind, and I swear to god Kelley Maureen O'Hara If you even dare take her behind my back to get her to do something I specifically tell you not to do, you can sleep on the couch"

"Geez lady, sleep on the wrong side of the bed?" after picking up Sophia who was laying on the couch

"Kelley! What did I just say?!" Alex says a towel on the island in the kitchen "it's not up for discussion"

"And what if she plays softball? We she be allowed to be a pitcher?" I say cautiously

"That's different from soccer" Alex say

"Hmmm ok" I say

Ahhh ok so I know I said this secret I've been keeping is huge and Sophia is 5 months in the start of this, I can't keep it in longer! Please don't kill me....

"We have breaking news from Utah, we have reports that a massive collision has occurred on the 15 freeway, sources confirm at least 8 people in critical condition and 2 dead after a semi truck driver fell asleep at the wheel"

Kelley and Alex's phones are blowing up with no responses, straight to voicemail

Kelley's family keeps calling and texting her to see if they are ok, Kelley said they we're headed out for a date now that Sophia is 8 months, as far as they know they got a nanny to watch her

Alex's family also keep blow me her phone get no response

2 hours later

Alex and Kelley's family had gotten in contact and both were waiting by their phones hoping Kelley and Alex just turned off their phones for the night and would respond after the date.

That never happened

"We have more updates from the deadly crash in Utah, sources say that the 2 killed in the crash are us soccer players, the names are yet to be released so the families can be notified"

The phone rings

"Hi, is this Karen O'Hara? we are so sorry, your daughter was killed in a crash on the freeway tonight, we need you to come down here to Utah"

Alex's parents got the same message

During each call no one was told if Kelley and Alex had Sophia in the car, they all just hoped and prayed they didn't take her with them to drop her off to the nanny


"We can now report that the three killed in this crash was Kelley Maureen O'Hara, Alexandra Patricia Morgan and another unknown male"

By now Alex's and Kelley's families we're notified after 3 hours of panicking wondering if Sophia was killed or not the police said she was not in the car

A big sigh of relief could be felt in both households & now both families we're booking the soonest flight to Utah to be with Sophia.

Both families knew Alex and Kelley has made a will and that they picked godparents for Sophia.

The next morning

Teammates and soccer personal saw all over the news about Kelley and Alex, prayers for the families and support started pouring in all over social media

Many started tweeting about Sophia, many wanted to know what happened to her.

Once both families landed in Utah and were able to pick up Sophia a message was released to the public from their lawyer

Dear everyone,

We Kelley and Alex's are releasing this message to the public. Two beautiful angles have left this world, Kelley Maureen O'Hara and Alex Patricia loved everyone. They loved their daughter.

Everyday since Sophia came to this world she acts and looks like both of them, She was the final piece to the family.

At this time we ask for privacy and we thank you all for letting us grieve as a family. Little Sophia will be staying with her godparents that Alex and Kelley picked, the god parents names will not be publicly announced so the family has privacy. They have been contacted as of this morning and will care for Sophia.

Thank you,

Pamela, Michael, Karen, Dan, Jeri, Jeni, Erin & Jerry

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