Chapter 5

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Alex's POV:
I still can't believe my ex-husband is trying to find me just to figure out if this baby is his, this pregnancy has just been a nightmare at the moment, who would have though being pregnant would cause so many issues for me emotionally, and to top it off at the moment I'm regretting this pregnancy because of Servando's crazy drunk ass. Now that Jeri told Kelley what's going on I just want to file a restraining order on him and have security around the house, yes we live in residential gated community but now that I am pregnant I need to make sure this house is a protected as possible. I hear Kelley  walk in from a walk with Quinn and I walk down the stairs to living room from our bedroom and for some odd reason I start to get dizzy, From that moment on I fell down the stairs banging my head on the wood floor, everything is just spinning and Kelley is running towards me screaming asking if I am ok, after this I pass out most likely from hitting my head so hard.

Kelley's POV:

I decided to take Quinn for a walk around the neighborhood and she is always so energetic with the neighbors wanting to go up to them and jump on them, but she is more relaxed with the kids, especially the little kids, she wagging her tail letting them pet her. That's another reason me and Alex know Quinn will do good with the baby because she is so nurturing to all kids.

After me and Quinn are done walking for a bit I head back home and I hear Alex walking from the steps that lead to the bedroom and then I hear her screaming with something falling so run to where she is and I see her on the ground, instantly I start screaming asking if she's ok, Alex seemed as if she wasn't even able to hear me, it was almost like she wasn't even in her own body. After I tried to help her she passed out and was unresponsive so I ran as fast as I could to my phone and dialed 911.

10 minutes later

I could hear the ambulance coming and Alex still wasn't responding, I kept saying "Alex! Baby please wake up! I need you! I promise I'll make sure Servando doesn't cause any problems, please babe!!" My eyes starting getting blurry from all the crying I had been doing and then I hear the medics come in and one moving me asking if I was ok and all I could say was "I'- I'm fine, my wife is pregnant, sh- she fell down that those steps and hit her head, now she won't wake up, please help her."

At the hospital

While pacing around the waiting room I called Alex's parents and they told me they are booking the first flight to Utah. I also called some teammates because I could not do this by myself, Carli and Becky just hung up right after they heard me crying and saying Alex, I'm thankful for those two always being their for us. But now the our worst nightmare was coming true...

As I walk up to the receptionist asking about Alex, Servando walks in through the doors and storms after me saying "what the hell did you do to Alex?!" And before I could scream at him he right hooks me in the face and I fall to the ground, now he is over me saying "that baby is mine! You will never be a mother to that baby!" And at this point I'm just livid and scream "NO! That baby is ours from IVF treatment!! He or she does not have any dna relation to your crazy psychotic self!" And after saying that I must have really pissed him because he punched me again in the face and then kicked me in runs before running off.....

Hope you all liked this chapter, really leaves you at the edge of your seat

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