Chapter 13

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Alex is now 6 months pregnant

Alex's Pov:

I felt huge, almost like a huge elephant, and I don't mean that it a funny way, my feet are getting swollen and I don't l even feel like I want to get out of bed

I really can't wait for Sophia to get here because I honestly can't wait 3 more months with having this huge belly and craving the oddest things

For example who eats pickles with peanut butter? Well me I guess now.... that's all I've eaten these past 2 months and Kelley thinks it's disgusting but she makes it for me anyway

We both decided for the last couple of months of the pregnancy that we would not interact with social media just to have some personal time alone before we are a family of 3.

Yes that may seem odd and the news keeps trying to get in contact with us but we've been trying to keep a low profile.

"Hey babe, so who do you think Sophia will look like?" Kelley says curiously

"I think she might look a bit more like me with some features of you, I'm hoping she gets your beautiful eyes" I say while In bed

"Well is she looks like you then all the boys will be running at her like she is something going extinct in high school" Kelley says while laughing

"She won't be allowed to date till she's 30..." I say

"I was going to say the same thing, can you imagine all the conversations we will be having when she's a teenager...." Kelley says

"That will be the worst... and her trying to sneak out in the middle of the night to go hang out with her "guy friend" god let's just enjoy the time we will have with her and then get all scared in high school"

"True, but I'm mostly worried about when she goes to school that people will want to be friends with her just because her parents are Alex Morgan and Kelley O'Hara..." Kelley says

"Well if that does happen and she decides she wants to go to a private school, I am perfectly fine with that" I say while putting my book on my lap.

"Same here" Kelley says "oh little girl you are going to all over the soccer world news in a few months, you are even famous before you come into this crazy world"

"She's already got people trying to figure out when she's due haha" I say laughing

"More like she's got people already stalking our social media pages waiting on a update on her" Kelley laughs

"Only a few more months babe and then our family will be complete, she may not even know it now but she's got so many people all over the world waiting on her arrival but we will wait on her time" I say

"Wouldn't it be crazy if she is born on Christmas? That would be the best Christmas gift" Kelley says energetically

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait a see, that would be one crazy Christmas gift" I say

I then look down at my belly and see Sophia kicky and say "oh little girl with all your kicking you will be a future soccer star, whatever you will be, you will have one aunt from the national team to teach you later on in life how to succeed to the best player you can possibly be, we both love you and will support you on whatever you want to do will later on in life Sophia"

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