Chapter 25

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Carli's POV:

The last couple of weeks have been a complete disaster...

Sophia being all energetic and happy to be with us? That turned into her crying for the past 4 days for Alex and Kelley.

I've probably only gotten 10 hours of sleep the past 4 days, it's just a constant battle with her to not throw a tantrum

Today Sophia decided take her tantrums even further

I though maybe she tired herself out with her crying so I took out some wooden blocks for her to play with

We all know where this ended... Sophia got mad when took some blocks just to play with her so she threw a blue wooden block right at my eye.

She then started screaming, in the middle of this I tried getting to the kitchen to gets bag of ice so I don't have a horrible black eye tomorrow.

What also makes this all hard is Brian is gone for a business trip for the week so I have no help.

Then it hit me, as to why Sophia did that... she got it from Kelley.


Kelley's POV:
"Hey guys who wants to prank Carli with me?" ' I  says while walking into the where mal and Lindsey we're.

"I'd rather not get killed by Carli..." Lindsey Says

"Well Mal?" I say

"Do I have to? Can't you get your girlfriend to do this with you?" Mal says in a whinny voice

"Alex refuses to do anything with me that revolves around prancing the newbies or the captain" I say

Mal turns around in her chair and looks at me with her eyes narrowed

"What do you have planned ms.prankster?" Mal says cautiously

"Come with me and you will see haha" I say while walking off to Carli's room

1 hour later

"Are you crazy kelley?!" Mal screams in a hushed voice

"Too late, Carli is coming any minute!" I say

Mal's eyes go wide

"God help me, I'm dead, we're both dead" she says

"Oh stop getting your panties in a bunch..."

I hear Carli using her fob to get in

Luckily her roommate Allie was in on it recording from behind Carli

As soon as that door opened I screamed "fire away!!" And Me and Mal both starting throwing a few eggs at Carli and a few soft miniature soccer balls

"What the hell!!!!" Carli screams


I whisper in mal's ear "run as fast as you can... she is very fast" before booking it from the room to the stairs outside of the hallway

Some other teammates came out of their rooms after they heard Carli scream bloody murder

"Kelley what the hell did you do?!" Alex says


Emily comes out of her room

"Why are you all screa-"

"KELLEY I'M LITERALLY GOING TO KILL YOU!!! STOP RUNNING!!" Carli says while running down the hall

And not too far behind is Allie laughing hysterically chasing Carli down the hall with her phone still recording

At this point I'm already down in the lobby and I hide behind the receptionist desk trying to hide from Carli

"Where is she? When I get my hands on her she's dead!" Carli screams

End of flashback

God just thinking back to when I said that I just can't stop crying because this reminds me of what Kelley did, but now call I do is laugh at what Sophia did.

It's not a huge deal, I know she just did it because she hasn't had much sleep at all

I walk back into the play room with a ice pack on my eye.

"Oh Sophia, you remind me so much of your mommy Kelley, she loves you baby, she's watching over you in heaven, I can't replace them but I will sure try to be like them for you. I hope you will remember them as time goes on, they prayed and worked so many months for you to come,you were a blessing to them and all of us, never change for anyone, be you and represent the O'Hara Morgan name well because it's not changing sweetheart" I say while crying holding Sophia in my arms

"They loves you so much and now it's my turn to show you how much they loved you"

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