Chapter 17

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Happy 4th of July!!

Kelley's POV:

It's Christmas and both me and Alex are so excited for both of our families to come see Sophia.

We couldn't for both our parents to meet her, she is such a calm baby it's like she isn't even here.

"Hey Kelley, both flights get here around the same time from California and Georgia so we can both go to the airport" Alex says

"That's fine, then they can meet Sophia" I say

"Oh and I forgot, We are taking Sophia's Christmas photos today also, so let's be sure to get those before she gets cranky later, I have a perfect idea for it, we'll have her laying in a stocking By the tree maybe?" Alex says while putting some presents under the tree

"Whatever you want Alex, you are the planner more then I am, I would just take a picture of her in her sleep in some Christmas outfit" I say

1 hour later

"Are you ready little Sophia to meet your grandparents, aunts and uncle?" I say softly while I put her in her carder in the car

"Remind me again why we moved to Utah..." Alex say while jittering from the cold

"Because where we live is more secluded so media can't bug us and soccer, duh" I say while pulling out of the driveway

"After we're done with soccer we're moving to California..." Alex say from the Back

At the airport

We had been waiting in a parking lot for about a hour before Alex got a text from her family saying they had landed and my family would be arriving shortly.

"I'm so amazed Sophia hasn't even woke up being fussy yet, she seriously is such a sleepy baby, she doesn't get that me for sure, that's from you" Alex says

"What how?" I say

"You never want to get out of bed, just sleep till the afternoon" Alex laughs

"Rude" I say

"Hey look there they are" Alex points to both our families

I get out of the car to help put luggage's in the back

"How was everyone flight?" I say

"Pretty good flight from Georgia" my mom says

"Same here,easy flight for us" Alex's mom says

"Where's our little granddaughter?" Says both my dad and Alex's dad

"She's in the car sleeping" I say

"When are you guys going to have a little boy so the uncles can play some football in your huge backyard?" My brother says

"Maybe in a couple years bro" I say

As we all get in the car including Alex's siblings and my siblings my mom says "wow Kelley have you noticed Sophia looks a lot like you and Erin when you we're little?"

"What do you mean?" Erin says

"Oh come on Erin, you don't see it?" My mom says

"I'm going blind or you are going crazy mom..." Erin says

As I head back to the house I say "let's just say she looks like a mix of everyone in the family"

Back at the house

"So Kelley me and Alex's dad we're talking" my dad says

I raise my eyebrow and say "what do you guys want to do now"

"You two need a sandbox and a Play set for Sophia when she gets older you know? We want to make it for you guys while we are here, and of course wait till this little amount of snow melts to put sand" my dad says

"I guess, what did Alex say?" I say

"Oh she's on board, she said to ask you" her dad says

2 hours later

Alex's POV:

"Hey Erin, Jeri & Jeni, want to help me take Sophia's Christmas photo?"

"Yea!"they say in union

"Great let's go into the other living room since me and Kelley leave that one for decoration" I say

"What do you have planned for the photo" Erin says

"What the plan is to have Sophia laying in a stocking while she is sleeping, all white outfit so it kinda matches" I say

"Sweet" Erin says

30 minutes later

"Oh I love that photo!" Jeri says

"Same here, it's cute" Jeni and Erin say

"Well I guess that will be the photo" I say

For the rest of the day after that we we're opening presents from each other and opening Sophia's gifts

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For the rest of the day after that we we're opening presents from each other and opening Sophia's gifts

"I swear we will need a bigger house will all the clothes and gifts Sophia as gotten" Kelley says

"We still got gifts from teammates for Sophia" I say

"She's been spoiled before she even left the womb" Erin laughs while drinking some coffee

"That's true" Kelley says while laughing

"Also we want to thank all of you for coming this Christmas to Utah, next Christmas we hope that when Sophia is 1 that we will be able to fly to Georgia or California for Christmas" I say

1 month later

Sophia is officially one month old (photo in header)

"Can you believe it babe, it's already been one month since we've had Sophia" I say

"It's crazy, before we know it she'll be walking out the door to go to college" Kelley says

"Hey, stop making me feel so old" I laugh while hitting her with a wash cloth on my shoulder

"And then she will be sneaking her boyfriends into the house and sneaking out to parties..." Kelley says

"Good thing we got good a security system so she won't be able to escape" I say

"That's true" Kelley says

"I still can't believe it's only been a months since she's been born, it still feels like yesterday she was born"

I look to the living room and see her sleeping in her bassinet

Oh little Sophia I hope both me and your mom are able to watch you grow up to a amazing lady and are able to change the world for good

But in just 9 more months that will all come crashing down on the both of us and the soccer world....

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