Chapter 32

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Carli's POV:

It was a few days after coming back from camp and I still couldn't stop thinking about what was in the box...

Me and Brian we're sitting at the dining room table having breakfast and I decided to bring it up.

"Hey Brian, can I ask you something?" While eating some eggs

Brian looks up curiously

"What's up?"

"I think I'm ready to open the box." I say before finishing eating

"Are you sure you are ready? We can always wait." Brian says

"No, I'm ready to open it." I say again

Brian knows how persistent I can be and takes a deep breathe

"Ok, let's go upstairs and open it."

Brian starts to head upstairs and I follow suit

Brian goes to our closet and takes out a medium sized brown box

"Well here it is... do you want to be alone?" While rubbing the back of his neck

I stare at the box which has Alex's handwriting on it.

"I think so, I'll be down later" I say

Brian walks over to me

"I'll be downstairs if you need me doing some arts and crafts with Sophia" Brian says while a gentle smile

"Thank you" I say

Brian walks out of the room and closes the door behind him

I stare at the box again and begin to peel off some of the tape

"What did you two put in here that I wasn't supposed to know about?"

I put the box on my lap while sitting on the bed

Right as I open the box my mouth drops and all I could was over my mouth with my hand.

The first item in the box was a photo album.

It was labeled "adventures with  our teammates"

I couldn't believe how the album hadn't deteriorated over time.

I place the box on the side of the bed and begin to open the album

Pictures from all the way back in college with Alex and Kelley's teammates are in here, as I turn farther and farther into the book it begins to have pictures of them with NWSL teammates and national team pictures

Under each pictures is a small caption, one read "pranks on the captions"

This picture was one u remembered and all I could do was laugh because we all remember this one... good times

I place the album on the night stand and look into the box again and I see a orange folder labeled "for Carli"

I look at the folder skeptically but open it anyway, a letter was inside

Dear, Carli

If you are opening this now we are gone, a little before Sophia was born we wrote this letter.

We hope Sophia is having a blast with you however old she is, we hope you and Brian are cherishing all time with this girl as much as you can.

A little before Sophia was born we we're deciding who should be the god parents of Sophia, it was first going to be Sofia but that didn't turn out well. So we both discussed our options and picked you and Brian, Alex was really the final decision in this because if you do not remember the conversation you guys had about how Alex and I needed to be together, Alex said to you no matter what you would be god mother of her children.

Well we kept up to that promise and you are her guardian. As you are reading this you more than likely have questions for us and we're going I answer those.

Sophia name... well strange story, if you didn't learn yet Sophia has a unique name Sophia Evelyn O'Hara Morgan, Evelyn? Where does that come from, her middle name comes from me and Alex's best friend Evelyn in college who died sadly while in the way to meet us as a last get together before we go our separate ways.

Evelyn was actually the person who set us up on a blind date, and originally Sophia name was going to be Evelyn Winters O'Hara Morgan WAY before she was even though of as a girl name but then we liked Sophia more, so we decided to remember Evelyn by giving Sophia her first name.

We have so much more to write for you that are in separate letters.

We love you Carli, never forget that.

We'll be watching over you guys. Enjoy our little princess, she's special.

Sincerely, Alex & Kelley

My eyes we're waterfalls at this point

"Why?! why didn't you guys just stay home for the date?! Why did you guys leave so soon!!" I scream at the ceiling

I hear someone running up the stairs and Brian rushes through the door

"What's wrong?!" Brian frantically says

I look up at Brian with bloodshot eyes

"Why did they leave us Brian? Why couldn't they stay with us for longer?"

Brian rushes over and begins hugging me

"Hey, it's ok, we will get through this ok? I promise" Brian says

Hey guys! I have a proposal for everyone :) how would everyone feel about me making another book for this but showing how things would have turned out if Kelley and Alex didn't die in mine crash? Let me know.

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