Chapter 23

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This is a flashback to the night of the crash. (No graphic information) just Kelley and Alex getting ready and then a transition to Carli and Amy


Kelley's POV:

This might be the best night I have planned for me and Alex, Sophia is now 8 months and I felt it's now a good time for me and Alex to go on a date alone without Sophia.

The babysitter Miranda would be coming over for a few hours, she's 17 and lives down the street from us, we know her parents very well and their daughter would have no problem watching Sophia for us.

"Where exactly are we going to this date?" Alex says while adjusting a earring

"We are going to the mountains first to go star gazing, it's a perfect night to do that" I say smiling

"Aww, really? Like our first date?" Alex said excitedly

"Yes, I have some dinner reservations for tonight after, Miranda should be here any minute"

Door bell rings

"That should be her" I say while walking down stairs to the door

"Hey Miranda, thank you for watching Sophia for us" I say while gesturing for her to come in

"It's no problem. I love little kids" Miranda says

Alex comes down

"Hey Miranda, Long time no see" she says

"School has been making me have no social life haha" Miranda says

"Just wait till college" I say while laughing

Alex walks into Sophia's room and comes back with her in her arms

"Sophia can you say hi to Miranda?" Alex says to a wide awake Sophia

Sophia has a huge smile on her face and begins to wave

"Hi Soph, are you ready to have a great night?" Miranda says in a excited voice

"Well, we are going to leave, Sophia has some smashed up carrots and peaches in the fridge for her to eat, I would say put her to bed around 7:30? And leave a fan on, she can't sleep without one in her room" I say

"Oh and if she wakes up she has some milk in the fridge, their is strawberry syrup and chocolate syrup on the side door to mix in the milk, and you can have her pick" Alex says

"Ok, I'll get her knocked out by the end of the night so you won't have to worry" Miranda says

"Thank you, have fun Sophia, we love you, see you later tonight sweetheart"

End flashback

Carli's POV:

Brian decided to head back to New Jersey's with Sophia while I pack up Sophia's room to bring to New Jersey, Alex and Kelley wrote on the will that they want the house to be given to Sophia later on in life so Jeri decided to stay in the house.

Most of the furniture and other things in the house was put in storage or on will Alex and Kelley wrote who they wanted to keep something.

"Hey Jeni do you mind helping me pack up some stuff in Sophia's closet?" I say from Sophia's room

"Ya sure" Jeni says while walking up the stairs

"Hey Carli, I know you haven't read what Alex and Kelley left on the will but they left something for you in a box, it's taped pretty well, and all it says is don't open till Sophia is 18"

"What else did they leave for me that I don't know about?" I say while looking at a shoebox with words saying "Sophia's pictures" "

"Well, that box is something you might want to look at, Alex loved taking pictures of Sophia" Jeni Says

"Oh and I heard Amy is stopping by in a hour, I'll be down stairs packing some of Sophia's toys for you, I think you should look at the pictures alone" Jeni says before heading down stairs

"Ok,thanks" I say

I look down at the shoe box and begin to open it.

The box is was filled with so many pictures of Sophia when she was born and only a few months old.

One stood out (pictured below)

Little Sophia was just a adorable baby, Kelley and Alex were blessed to have this child enter their lives

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Little Sophia was just a adorable baby, Kelley and Alex were blessed to have this child enter their lives

Amy arrives

I was almost completely done packing all of Sophia's room when I heard the main door open with the security system beeping acknowledging someone was here

"Hey Carli?! Are you here?" Amy says

"Up here!" I shout

Amy came up from downstairs

"Hey Carli, I came to stop by, I heard you need some help from another mom" Amy says while leaning against the door frame

"How am I going to do this? She's only 8 months, and now I got told they both left behind some box for me and another for Sophia, who knows what else they left for me to find out" I say

"Carli, she will fine, you will just have to treat her like your own child, yes she may for the next few months till ask for Alex and Kelley but babies don't really have good memory when they are young,take her out and do activities so she keeps her mind of them. But as she gets older talk about them with her about what they we're like" Amy says

"Thanks, but's that's not the problem Amy..." I say while looking down at the pictures I'm the shoe box

"What is it then?" Amy says confused

"You can't tell anyone, even Brian" I look straight Amy dead in the eyes

"What's wrong Carli?" Amy says while walking up to me

I look up from the the pictures of Sophia

"Amy, we're expecting..." I say

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