Chapter 33

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Well hello again everyone! I been away for so long, and this story has flourished over the years, so I'm continuing this story because I believe it deserves some polishing, but also because you guys like this story.
I've decided to incorporate now what would have happened if Kelley and Alex didn't pass away in this story. Please comment below ideas you would like me to incorporate! I always love reading readers ideas and how they view the story.

*if Kelley and Alex didn't pass away in this crash*

Kelley's POV:

Sophia has been such a blessing to our family these past 6 months, we both couldn't have asked a more loving baby, and to think in a few years I'll be the next one to carry the next O'Hara Morgan child.
"Hey Kel, can you bring up a wash cloth and a bottle for Sophia? I think she's coming down with something" Alex says from the top of the stairs. Kelley is woken from her thoughts and says below the staircase "alright, coming with that, anything else?" Alex quickly shouts no from the nursery. Kelley quickly grabs a wash cloth and a bottle of milk to bring up to Alex.
"Does little miss Sophia Evelyn have a fever?" Kelley says while walking through the door frame of the nursery.
Alex is rocking Sophia in the rocking chair, while brushing her hair back with her hand. Alex looks up with a smile, "I believe so, she's been coughing all morning and has a high fever." While Kelley kisses Sophia on the forehead she also feels her forehead and pitches in "she does feel a little warm, might just be a fever for the next few days, but if it's not gone by Monday we can call the doctor."

Alex's POV:
Even with a slight fever Sophia still is the same energetic baby as she normally, she does get a lot of her antics from Kelley, the pulling on people's noses to her quirky little smile that's warms anyone's heart in a instant. It's still crazy just last year we were working on IVF to have a baby and prayed for some miracle. And to think in maybe 3 years we might try for another baby Is just crazy, but more surreal it will be a little KO running around.
Imagine, Kelley pregnant. I chuckle a little thinking of this happening and what she would say while pregnant. But the thing both me and Kelley can't wait for? Sophia having another sibling, we both believe she would make a amazing older sister. But for now we are going to enjoy this time with her and watch her grow.


Hope you all enjoyed this story! I've been working so hard in college to improve my writing, and I can't wait for my new stories to come out soon!!

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