Chapter 6

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Alex's POV:
I wake up in a hospital room, I have no idea what happened, all I remember is falling down the 4 steps in our house and hearing Kelley screaming over me asking if I was ok.

I started panicking because I had no idea where Kelley was, Inside I was just praying Servando didn't find her. *knoxk knock* and I look up and it's a young doctor and he asks "hi, Alex O'Hara Morgan?" And I Just immediately say "yes, where if my wife?!."

The doctor takes a deep breathe, "Kelley O'Hara Morgan? She was attacked in the waiting room a few hours ago, luckily she made it with only a concussion so she will be fine" and at this point I can finally relax" but then the doctor interrupts and says "the reason you collapsed was dehydration, luckily the baby is fine and nothing is wrong, you should be released by tomorrow, your wife got released a few hours ago, so I will let her know you are awake"

"Thank you Dr?" And he just gives a small smile and says "Dr.Louis, I'll be back later to check up on you" as he leaves I see Kelley standing by the door talking to the doctor and I can tell she is relieved I'm ok, she then knocks on the door, Kelley peaks her head through the door and says "can I come in?" As she comes through the door I see the bruises on her face and gasp "oh my god Kelley! Who attacked you?!"

"Babe plea-" and I cut her off and get more angry saying "DO NOT babe me, did Servando do this to you?!"

Kelley takes a deep breathe whole starring at the ground, then looks up at me and says "yes..." and now I just want to leave and kill this piece of crap.

"Are you serious?! And he got awa-" *knock knock*

"Hey you two are we interrupting anything?" Says Becky with Carli right behind her

"Oh nothing... just they Servando found us and attacked Kelley earlier on the waiting room!" As I point at Kelley

"Wait what?" As Carli walks next to Kelley "Servando as Servando your ex husband?" And sarcastically I say "no Servando the Butler..."

Kelley's POV:

I still can't believe Servando showed up here and literally tried to kill me... what I didn't tell Alex was that I had called the cops and they found him 3 miles down the road.

I was asked if I wanted to file charges and with no hesitation I said yes because then he wouldn't be able to come near us again.

All I wanted was him to be found guilty in court because I know Alex doesn't want anything to do with him and neither do I, I'm amazed still I only suffered a concussion from the attack, I was expecting broken rivers and a cracked jaw.

After about 2 more hours waiting to see if Alex and the baby are ok a doctor calls my name and leads me to her room, before I go in he told me "all tests came back negative, she will be released sometime tomorrow, also the baby is perfectly fine, she was just dehydrated and little bit stressed. Just make sure she doesn't get stressed or does anything that would cause her to get tired"

"Thank you doctor, I appreciate everything you did" and he smiles and says "it's my job" as he walks away.

I knock on the door and peak my head into the door and I see Alex, for first 15 minutes it was of her yelling at asking who attacked me, trying to follow what the doctor told me I say it was Servando, Alex starts getting mad again but then someone knocks on the door and luckily it's Becky And Carli.

After speaking for a few minutes I excuse myself.

I go out and sitting on a bench just breaking down saying to myself "why? What did I do to deserve all this? All we wanted to do was start a family? I don't deserve Alex, I don't deserve this baby, I don't deserve to be loved by anyone... I'm just a burden to all these people I call family on the national team and my NWSL team." I just wanted to be alone.

It was 11 pm and I just started walking, to wherever this road may lead me, god I should've just called a cab because this might for me would go from bad and to worse....

As I was walking I never heard a crack head walking behind me, I was hit with something on the back of my head, soon I was dragged into a alley, as I was trying to scream so someone could hear me I got beat and pushed around.

The worst part... he raped me....

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